On Jun 10, 2015, at 8:39 PM, Stephen Satchell <l...@satchell.net> wrote:
> After the phone screen, the company called me in for the face-to-face 
> "interview".  I put the word "interview" in quotes because, for 25 minutes, 
> the chief programmer of the place played a video game he wrote.  That was the 
> extent of the interview!

Mmm hmm.  E.g. I spent half+ an hour being grilled on the internals and 
efficiencies of various regular expression library implementations.  '[a-z]' 
vs. '[:islower:]' or something equally irrelevant to the interview at hand, for 
a position creating/managing the kernel - not apps - for an email spam 
filtering appliance.  The second half hour devolved into a rant by the 
interviewer about 'volatile' in whatever was the latest version of the ANSI C 

You can have a lot of fun, though, by playing the interviewers.  When you 
discover your interest in the company is a noop, steering things into the 
Brazil regime can generate endless entertainment ;-)

In fact, fishing for silliness can produce plenty of results.


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