Re: Newbie Concern: (BGP) AS-Path Oscillation

2022-11-28 Thread Randy Bush
[ i would have written privately except the damned dmark crap obscured your email address. gr. ] > On one of our prefixes, we are detecting continuous “BGP AS-Path > Changes” in the order of 1,000 announcements per hour---practically > one every 3-4 seconds. where is this being 'detected?'

Re: Newbie Concern: (BGP) AS-Path Oscillation

2022-11-28 Thread William Herrin
On Sun, Nov 27, 2022 at 9:52 PM Pirawat WATANAPONGSE via NANOG wrote: > On one of our prefixes, we are detecting continuous “BGP AS-Path Changes” in > the order of 1,000 announcements per hour---practically one every 3-4 seconds. > Those paths oscillate between two of our immediate upstreams. Hi

Re: Newbie Concern: (BGP) AS-Path Oscillation

2022-11-27 Thread Saku Ytti
I don't think this is normal, I think this is a fault and needs to be addressed. There should be significant reachability problems, because rerouting isn't neither immediate, nor lock-step with SW+HW nor synchronous between nodes. What exactly needs to be done, I can't tell without looking at the

Newbie Concern: (BGP) AS-Path Oscillation

2022-11-27 Thread Pirawat WATANAPONGSE via NANOG
Dear Guru(s), My apologies upfront if this question has already been asked. If that’s the case, please kindly point me to the solution|thread so that the mailing list bandwidth is not wasted. Situation: On one of our prefixes, we are detecting continuous “BGP AS-Path Changes” in the order of 1,0