Re: CloudFlare issues?

2019-07-05 Thread - Martijn Schmidt via NANOG
ady > are rejecting invalid announcements are AT&T, Nordunet, DE-CIX, YYCIX, > XS4ALL, MSK-IX, INEX, France-IX, Seacomm, Workonline, KPN International, > and hundreds of others. > > > >> On Jul 4, 2019, at 5:56 AM, - Martijn Schmidt via NANOG >> wrote: >>

Re: CloudFlare issues?

2019-07-04 Thread - Martijn Schmidt via NANOG
So that means it's time for everyone to migrate their ARIN resources to a sane RIR that does allow normal access to and redistribution of its RPKI TAL? ;-) The RPKI TAL problem + an industry-standard IRRDB instead of WHOIS-RWS were both major reasons for us to bring our ARIN IPv4 address space t

Re: few big monolithic PEs vs many small PEs

2019-06-19 Thread - Martijn Schmidt via NANOG
Hi Adam, Depends on how big of a router you need for your "small PE". Taking Juniper as an example, the MX204 is pretty unbeatable cost wise if you can make do with its 4*QSFP28 & 8*SFP+ interfaces. There's a very big gap between the MX204 and the first chassis based router in the MX lineup, ev

Re: Traffic ratio of an ISP

2019-06-19 Thread - Martijn Schmidt via NANOG
It kinda depends on the application that's being used. For example, videogaming has a ratio somewhere around 1:2.5 since you're only transmitting metadata about the players environment across the wire. The actual video is typically rendered at the end user's side. So it's not very bandwidth heav