Re: noction vs border6 vs kentik vs fcp vs ?

2017-07-13 Thread ShaColby Jackson
If my servers are watching Netflix all day I’ve got another problem way beyond traffic visibility. On July 12, 2017 at 12:37:48 PM, ( wrote: On Wed, 12 Jul 2017 11:03:50 -0700, ShaColby Jackson said: > I know solutions like Kentik do a lot m

noction vs border6 vs kentik vs fcp vs ?

2017-07-12 Thread ShaColby Jackson
I know this topic has gone around a couple times but wondering if there are any new strong opinions on inbound+outbound traffic analysis with a bonus for excellence in traffic engineering at the edge. A typical use case would be finding an AS or prefix representing a large volume of inbound and/or

Fw: new message

2015-10-26 Thread Shacolby Jackson
Hey! New message, please read <> Shacolby Jackson

AMS-IX for local loop

2012-04-10 Thread Shacolby Jackson
I know this is a bit off topic since Amsterdam isn't exactly in North America but... Has anyone used AMS-IX for a private interconnect from one datacenter to another to avoid a classic local loop to another party or provider? For example, I'm in Equinix but might want to connect directly to someone

Re: This network is too good...

2012-02-02 Thread Shacolby Jackson
I know people who have been very happy with Apposite. They have a couple different lines that can simulate a lot of different conditions. I know they call them WAN simulators but I know a company that strictly uses them for layer2 to simulate congestion between switch

non-congested comcast peers?

2012-01-31 Thread Shacolby Jackson
Are there any providers that Comcast doesn't regularly run hot? Seems like no matter who I deliver through at some magical point in the evening they start spiking jitter and a little loss. Almost like everyone hits PLAY on netflix at the same time. -shac

netflow analysis for jitter and packet loss?

2011-02-01 Thread Shacolby Jackson
What tools are people most happy with? Specifically I'm hoping to mirror a port and later see if I can detect any inbound jitter or possibly even out of order udp datagrams. At first glance it doesn't look like ntop or plixer can provide that level of detail. Any suggestions? -shac

OT: used / refurb voip phones?

2010-12-17 Thread Shacolby Jackson
A little off topic but anyone have any recommendations for vendors selling used voip handsets, especially Polycom? Looking for some IP335 or better. There are only a couple used gear resellers I trust and none seem to carry Polycom, only Cisco and even those only seem to have low end handsets. -s

experience with equinix exchange

2010-11-17 Thread Shacolby Jackson
Has anyone had any experience (good or bad) with their exchange at any of their major datacenters, especially Great Oaks? We're wondering if people really love or hate it. -shac

Re: Enterprise DNS providers

2010-10-18 Thread Shacolby Jackson
I have used UltraDNS before. They are decent. I am however evaluating Dynect ( who are very popular with social media companies like Twitter. On Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 11:17 PM, Ken Gilmour wrote: > On 18 October 2010 06:53, Jonas Björklund wrote: > > > > > I have worked for one of