Re: Equinix

2019-12-05 Thread Paul Zugnoni via NANOG
I'll second Martijn's comment and add this: Never choose "Next Available." It's the easy route up front but painful the rest of its life. We started predetermining where we wanted each of our xconnects (regardless which colo company) and submitting the port numbers with tickets / Equinix portal-bas

Re: AWS 40/100G wholesale Express-Route ?

2019-06-25 Thread Paul Zugnoni via NANOG
Hi, Some quick terminology to be clear, AWS uses the term "Direct Connect" whereas MS Azure uses "Express Route". Right now, max link bandwidths each: - AWS Direct Connect: 10G. - Azure Express Route: 100G (though I'm unsure this is available in every location) - GCP Dedicated Interconnect: 1

Re: Effects of Cold Front on Internet Infrastructure - U.S. Midwest

2019-01-30 Thread Paul Zugnoni via NANOG
And apparently fire. I wasn’t going to chime in but one of my providers *just* alerted us to an electrical fire in a Minneapolis pop causing loads to failover to ups. Unknown whether weather conditions contributed to the incident. PZ On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 09:25 Naslund, Steve wrote: > >To the

Re: 40G reforming

2018-02-05 Thread Paul Zugnoni via NANOG
Whether a 40G port can be broken into 4x10G is dependent on the router/switch hardware and the optic you use. Good news is that most 40G ports are capable of being broken out into 4x10G, since a 40G port is usually operating as 4x10G internally anyway to the ASIC. The QSFP you'll need would be a 40