RE: XO and

2009-04-01 Thread Mort, Eric
In looking at the issue it is my understanding the several networks (not just XO) are having issues getting to We've engaged Microsoft and are waiting for a callback to do some collaborative troubleshooting. Eric J. Mort XO Communications Sr. Manager - IP Operations Desk - 314-787-

RE: XO peering.

2009-03-10 Thread Mort, Eric
We had some hardware issues in San Jose which triggered some other ugliness. We believe we have the issues mitigated at this time. Folks still seeing issues are encouraged to hit me up offline. Thanks, Eric J. Mort XO Communications Sr. Manager - IP Operations Desk - 314-787-7826 Cell - 314.486

RE: XO -- Plea for engineer to contact me

2009-01-10 Thread Mort, Eric
Took a gander and you're not stipping private ASN space before sending us your announcement and as such your announcement is failing on our AS-PATH filter. Fix that and it work: CVR1.SanJose2-CA# sho ip bgp neigh received-ro BGP table version is 18060975, local router ID is 65.106.

RE: XO contact

2008-07-24 Thread Mort, Eric
If you can reply to me with the ticket details and number I can make sure it get looked at by the right folks. Regards, Eric J. Mort Sr. Manager - IP Operations Desk - 314-787-7826 Cell - 314-486-9057 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -Original Message- From: William R. Lorenz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED