***SPAM*** Fw: new message

2015-10-26 Thread Ken Simpson
Hey! New message, please read <http://mastairconditioning.com/another.php?72jt9> Ken Simpson

Re: Cogent Haiku v2.0

2009-01-12 Thread Ken Simpson
Act. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of this message. -- This email has been scanned by the Sybari - Antigen Email System. -- Josh Potter -- Ken Simpson CEO MailChannels - Reliable Email Delivery http://mailchannels.com 604 685 7488 tel

Re: Re: RE:

2009-01-12 Thread Ken Simpson
uture." Niels Bohr -- Ray Sanders Linux Administrator Village Voice Media Office: 602-744-6547 Cell: 602-300-4344 -- Ken Simpson CEO MailChannels - Reliable Email Delivery http://mailchannels.com 604 685 7488 tel

Re: ICANN opens up Pandora's Box of new TLDs

2008-06-26 Thread Ken Simpson
On that note, it will be very interesting to see who manages to register the *.sucks TLD, and what they do with it. Oooh -- dibs on that one. And .some, so you can register awe.some, trouble.some, and fear.some. And .ous, which would allow humm.ous, seri.ous, fabul.ous, etc.. Oh - vomit -

Re: ICANN opens up Pandora's Box of new TLDs

2008-06-26 Thread Ken Simpson
This gives an (unofficial) estimate : .confusion: ICANN opens up Pandora's Box of new TLDs By Jacqui Cheng | Published: June 26, 2008 - 12:11PM CT Not every zany TLD will be immediately av

Re: ICANN opens up Pandora's Box of new TLDs

2008-06-26 Thread Ken Simpson
Has anyone been able to figure out what it will cost to secure a completely un-contested tld? I haven't been able to find proposed fees anywhere. I think it will be a practical necessity for all organizations to secure their own TLD at the outset, lest someone else secure it for them and le

Re: ICANN opens up Pandora's Box of new TLDs

2008-06-26 Thread Ken Simpson
Two years ago I posed the question here about the need for TLDs (http://www.mcabee.org/lists/nanog/May-06/msg00110.html). I summerizsed that companies IP (Intellectual Property) guidelines would never allow domain.org to exist if they owned domain.com (ibm.org vrs ibm.com).I felt that TLDs rea

Re: EC2 and GAE means end of ip address reputation industry? (Re:

2008-06-24 Thread Ken Simpson
re the crap is likely to originate from. Regards, Ken -- Ken Simpson CEO MailChannels - Reliable Email Delivery http://mailchannels.com 604 685 7488 tel

Re: Cloud service [was: RE: EC2 and GAE means end of ip address reputation industry? (Re: Intrustion attempts from Amazon EC2 IPs)]

2008-06-24 Thread Ken Simpson
ation is garnered to block, issue TCP RSETs. If it's good, free the contents of the cache. What's your interest in mopping up spam in the middle of the network? Usually spam is viewed as a leaf-node problem (much to the chagrin of receivers, actually). Regards, Ken -- Ken Simpso

Re: Cloud service [was: RE: EC2 and GAE means end of ip addressreputation industry? (Re: Intrustion attempts from Amazon EC2 IPs)]

2008-06-23 Thread Ken Simpson
y. But also on your own equipment if that's your preference. Regards, Ken -- Ken Simpson CEO MailChannels - Reliable Email Delivery http://mailchannels.com 604 685 7488 tel