Re: ACX6360-OX Question

2025-01-08 Thread Joel Busch via NANOG
I second the method Jared is suggesting, go hop-by-hop, check light levels, and make use of loopback modes to establish which partial sections may be working already. (If any loopback is available, I don't know your platform specifically) On 08.01.2025 22:19, Jared Mauch wrote: make s

Re: Compiling RTG on EL9

2024-07-19 Thread Joel Busch via NANOG
Hi Nick On 13.07.2024 00:19, Nick Hilliard wrote: Whoa, that's some blast from the past. At the time of the latest release in 2003, rtg was still duking it out with mrtg and cricket, which was used by the cool kids.  Still some good memories there. Who knew we could be part of the cool kids f

Re: constant FEC errors juniper mpc10e 400g

2024-04-18 Thread Joel Busch via NANOG
30 <>, Local:, Broadcast: -- -Aaron -- -Aaron -- Joel Busch, Network SWITCH Werdstrasse 2, P.O. Box, 8021 Zurich, Switzerland phone +41 44 268 15 30, direct +41 44 268 16 58

Re: Unimus as NCM (Network Configuration Management) Tool

2024-04-04 Thread Joel Busch via NANOG
Juniper scripts and modified them to not set some CLI states and to adapt the commands that are run. It's not that complicated to modify. Joel Busch AS559 SWITCH

Re: ISP data collection from home routers

2022-03-25 Thread Joel Busch
it. I remember reading some discussion around ISPs selling browsing behavior data that they collect from their subscribers in the tech press during Pai's term as the head of the FCC. It was probably on Ars Technica or Techdirt. Thanks, Giovane Moura Best, Joel -- Joel Busch, Netw