Re: Issues with SNMP monitoring over a GRE tunnel.

2014-11-05 Thread Gregory Moberg
This would be a good approach. In SNMP the request initiator (the one sending the SNMP 'Get' or 'GetNext' or 'GetBulk' ) can anticipate the size of the outgoing request will be small(er) by asking for fewer variables at a time. (Each variable is a 'varbind' and each is specified in the outgoing r

Re: Marriott wifi blocking

2014-10-04 Thread Gregory Moberg
I would think this would not sit very well with the providers. They've likely installed equip nearby to the hotel & conv.ctr in order to adequately handle the concentration of devices at that location. True? On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 4:16 PM, Michael O Holstein <> wrote