Re: Anyone else seeing DNSSEC failures from EU Commission ? (

2021-12-09 Thread Arne Jensen
Den 08-12-2021 kl. 15:32 skrev Niels Bakker: * (Arne Jensen) [Wed 08 Dec 2021, 15:23 CET]: To me, that part of it also points towards a broken implementation at CloudFlare, letting a bogus (insecure) responses take effect anyway. Or they prefer allowing people to visit

Re: Anyone else seeing DNSSEC failures from EU Commission ? (

2021-12-09 Thread Arne Jensen
Den 08-12-2021 kl. 16:23 skrev Masataka Ohta: Arne Jensen wrote: It is my understanding that the CNAME should never have been followed, Wrong. Hmm, okay. -> Section 3, "The RRSIG Resource Record", at the third phrase:

Re: Anyone else seeing DNSSEC failures from EU Commission ? (

2021-12-08 Thread Arne Jensen
ng a bogus (insecure) responses take effect anyway. -- Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards, Arne Jensen

Re: DNSSEC Best Practices

2021-04-27 Thread Arne Jensen
on), to run DNSSEC and to always secure that they had the strongest possible algorithms on it. NB: The reason I'm writing 14 4, a.k.a. ECDSAP384SHA384 all along is that I've seen DNSSEC signatures with 14 2 (ECDSAP384SHA256), which I would find quite weird. Just my two cents. -- Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards, Arne Jensen

Re: has A and CNAME records

2021-04-06 Thread Arne Jensen
oot, e.g. as you say yourself, at "" in this case. Or if "" had been a sub-delegation, then at that point... -- Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards, Arne Jensen

Re: has A and CNAME records

2021-04-06 Thread Arne Jensen
does have the *SILLY* low 300 seconds TTL on ALL RECORDS that are proxied through them (and cannot be changed for those). Even on proxied records that have been the same for like 7 years, and easily could have been 86400, or even longer (although longer might be ignored by some resolvers). :'( -- Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards, Arne Jensen

Re: Contact data for

2021-03-10 Thread Arne Jensen
ion, and for those two to figure out how to mitigate / override, if necessary, - and not something you should potentially be reducing the "security levels" from your end, to fix their (potentially crappy) implementations. That's just a few things you could look at fixing, which would

Re: CNAME records in place of A records

2020-11-09 Thread Arne Jensen
believe that SaaS vendors would always be right, or that their decisions are always the best. Your truth? I believe you need to figure out that one yourself. Just my two cents. -- Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards, Arne Jensen