Cuba island-wide power outage after hurricane Ian

2022-09-27 Thread Sean Donelan
Lazaro Guerra, the technical director of the Electric Union of Cuba, the country’s state power company, said Cuba had "zero electric generation" after the hurricane caused problems in links in the west, center and east of the island. Mr. Guerra said crews would be working all night and Wedne

Don't miss NANOG 86 Social Hours 👉

2022-09-27 Thread Nanog News
*NANOG 86 Hollywood Social Hours* Don't miss networking + friend-making opportunities at NANOG 86 Hollywood! Add these social events to your calendar now. We look forward to seeing you in person in Hollywood or virtually on 17-19 Oct. ***NANOG 86 badges are required to attend. *VISIT SOCIALS*

Re: ARIN RPKI services terms/conditions - Change to Management of the Trust Anchor Locator for ARIN’s RPKI Service

2022-09-27 Thread John Curran
On 27 Sep 2022, at 10:33 AM, Niels Bakker>> wrote: * (John Curran) [Tue 27 Sep 2022, 13:26 CEST]: Yes: the intent is that an RP validator may ship and use the ARIN TAL by default. If that is not clear in the revised RPA, t

Re: Akamai Contact/Issues

2022-09-27 Thread Niels Bakker
* (George Toma) [Tue 27 Sep 2022, 17:14 CEST]: Jared I would be also interested in what you said in reply to Dustin Brooks about Akamai contact as in the past we have experienced similar problem, and trying to resolve it with the Akamai EdgeScape support we ran into a st

Re: Akamai Contact/Issues

2022-09-27 Thread George Toma
Jared I would be also interested in what you said in reply to Dustin Brooks about Akamai contact as in the past we have experienced similar problem, and trying to resolve it with the Akamai EdgeScape support we ran into a stonewall of not being an Akamai client (I understand EdgeScape is the one w

Re: ARIN RPKI services terms/conditions - Change to Management of the Trust Anchor Locator for ARIN’s RPKI Service

2022-09-27 Thread William Herrin
On Tue, Sep 27, 2022 at 4:23 AM John Curran wrote: > Yes: the intent is that an RP validator may ship and use the ARIN TAL by > default. > > If that is not clear in the revised RPA, then the RPA agreement will updated > again for clarity. Hi John, It's clear enough from section 9 that an RP va

Re: ARIN RPKI services terms/conditions - Change to Management of the Trust Anchor Locator for ARIN’s RPKI Service

2022-09-27 Thread Niels Bakker
* (John Curran) [Tue 27 Sep 2022, 13:26 CEST]: Yes: the intent is that an RP validator may ship and use the ARIN TAL by default. If that is not clear in the revised RPA, then the RPA agreement will updated again for clarity. I feel like you're just gaslighting us at this poin

Re: ARIN RPKI services terms/conditions - Change to Management of the Trust Anchor Locator for ARIN’s RPKI Service

2022-09-27 Thread John Curran
On 27 Sep 2022, at 7:21 AM, Lukas Tribus>> wrote: Can a RP validator ship and use the ARIN TAL by default, without additional steps and confirmations by the user? Yes: the intent is that an RP validator may ship and use the ARIN TAL by default. If that is not clear in the

Re: ARIN RPKI services terms/conditions - Change to Management of the Trust Anchor Locator for ARIN’s RPKI Service

2022-09-27 Thread Lukas Tribus
Hello John, On Mon, 26 Sept 2022 at 23:48, John Curran wrote: > > NANOGers - > > Changes in terms and conditions for ARIN's RPKI service – more specifically > being > changes in ARIN’s Relaying Party Agreement terms and related Trust Anchor > Locator > management approach – see the attached an