Re: Hurricane Maria: Summary of communication status - and lack of

2017-10-03 Thread Sean Donelan
Fatalities Puerto Rico: 34 storm related (last report Oct. 3) Media estimate at least 60 storm related deaths CDC mortatility rate for PR: average 80 deaths per day all causes U.S. Virgin Islands: 5 storm related (last report Oct. 3) 30 d

Re: BGP hijack: from as133955

2017-10-03 Thread Clinton Work
TELUS AS852 has three address blocks hijacked by AS133955 as well. We have not been able to get in contact with AS24155. It looks like they are buying transit from PCCW AS3491 and Taiwan Internet Gateway AS9505. On Tue, Oct 3, 2017, at 10:30 AM, M

Re: Hurricane Maria: Summary of communication status - and lack of

2017-10-03 Thread Sean Donelan
After two weeks it appears the situation is stabilizing (not getting worse) on Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands. But recovery and logistics still seems very slow in both territories. A reminder, I am focusing on U.S. Territories, but other Caribbean islands are still recovering from Hurric

BGP hijack: from as133955

2017-10-03 Thread Mark Jeftovic
as133955 is broadcasting bogus BGP announcement for our netblock It's in China, and we're trying to contact as24155 but they are also in China and we're just emailing their whois record address. If you're nearby and in a position to block/dampen that might be helpful. Thx - mark