Re: Looking for recommendations for a dedicated ping responder

2016-09-10 Thread Matthew Kaufman
Personally, I'd think twice before putting a box that does unthrottled reflection of ICMP packets to their claimed source anywhere, especially not one with a well-known address. Matthew Kaufman On Sat, Sep 10, 2016 at 2:01 AM James Greig wrote: > On one of these lists around 6 months ago a Goog

Status of IPv6 on Charter Communications

2016-09-10 Thread Stephen Satchell
Would someone at Charter Communications who is on this list indicate the roll-out schedule for IPv6 to business customers using cable modems as opposed to fiber links?

Re: Looking for recommendations for a dedicated ping responder

2016-09-10 Thread James Greig
On one of these lists around 6 months ago a Google network engineer confirmed they do rate limit icmp (aside from prioritisation). Unless there's a real issue here this is more about educating people. It's amazing how many still miss interpret trace routes these days. Kind regards James Greig