We can call them "rooted" domain names and "pwned" domain names...
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> -Original Message-
> From: Andrew Sullivan [mailto:asulli...@dyn.com]
> Sent: Saturday, 23 February, 2013 15:15
> To: nanog@nanog.org
> Subject:
On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 10:26:58PM -0600, Jimmy Hess wrote:
> No trailing dot allowed; "each domain label starting and ending with
> an alphanumerical character";
Note, however, that the URI specification actually contemplates the
possibility of the host part being a dom-spec, and the names in
In message <24339470.6878.1361551954109.javamail.r...@benjamin.baylink.com>, Ja
y Ashworth writes:
> - Original Message -
> > From: "Mark Andrews"
> > RFC 952 as modified by RFC 1123 describe the legal syntax of a
> > hostname. There is no trailing period.
> May someone create a "co
For what it is worth I argued for removal of support for partially
qualified domain names when looking at resolving the issues in RFC
1535. "ndots" was the compromise.
I also argued for searches stopping on nodata responses.
I felt and continue to feel both of these are security issues. If
In message <30545475.6952.1361592063875.javamail.r...@benjamin.baylink.com>, Ja
y Ashworth writes:
> - Original Message -
> > From: "Cutler James R"
> > A domain name without a terminal dot is a relative domain name.
> > -- An application requesting name to address translation gets to
In message <97006e8c-d3bd-4ced-b814-fc880130f...@email.android.com>, Jay Ashwor
th writes:
> So, should browsers send absolute host names in http/1.1 requests, and should
> n't servers strip the trailing dot if they get one?
> I vote No and Yes, resp.
Yes. Note that doesn't mean with a traili
In message <2013015502.gd99...@numachi.com>, Brian Reichert writes:
> On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 12:41:33PM -0500, Jay Ashworth wrote:
> > My snap reaction is to say that nothing should ever be *trying* to
> > compare a rooted F.Q.D.N. against a certificate; it is, as has been
> > noted, merely c
7 matches
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