Re: Eye protection in DWDM systems -- what threshold?

2009-06-08 Thread Mikael Abrahamsson
On Tue, 9 Jun 2009, Kevin Hodle wrote: Hi Deepak, Most modern DWDM transponders with 160km network side optics will be launching anywhere from -2dBm to +2dBm depending on how warm the laser is, assuming a +2 dBm launch you are looking at around 1.6mW - It might be good to note that there ar

Re: Eye protection in DWDM systems -- what threshold?

2009-06-08 Thread Kevin Hodle
Hi Deepak, Most modern DWDM transponders with 160km network side optics will be launching anywhere from -2dBm to +2dBm depending on how warm the laser is, assuming a +2 dBm launch you are looking at around 1.6mW - not something you want to be exposing your eyes too. If you've also deployed EDFA

Re: Eye protection in DWDM systems -- what threshold?

2009-06-08 Thread Joel Jaeggli
There are erbium doped raman lasers with output of up to 10 watts continuous wave, they are (obviously) class 4 devices and are considered hazardous. 3r and 3b emitters shouldn't be directly exposed to the eye, and carry an appropriate warnings. the 10-80km stuff should all be 1 or 1m and does't

Eye protection in DWDM systems -- what threshold?

2009-06-08 Thread Deepak Jain
At what power level do DWDM systems become dangerous to work near (i.e. not staring into any optics, using light meters, etc)? I never see technicians on inside DWDM systems using eye protection, but I see power levels of amps going higher and higher. On a recent meter I saw almost .6mW... An

RE: Multi site BGP Routing design

2009-06-08 Thread Justin Krejci
Thanks to all for the on and off list replies, they've been helpful. We get full BGP routes from all upstream connections (currently they are all different providers). The upstream bandwidth is cheaper at site 2 than at site 1 and the private backnet connection is a fixed cost so when previously c

Re: iBGP advertisement interval

2009-06-08 Thread Jon Lewis
On Tue, 9 Jun 2009, kysks wrote: I thought BGP advertisement interval is the following. ibgp : 5 second, ebgp : 30 second. But, now I realize that the default ibgp interval of Cisco is 0 second. (ios 12.0 & IOX) On the 6500, this seems to have been changed somewhere in the 12.2SX line.

iBGP advertisement interval

2009-06-08 Thread kysks
Hello. Nanog I thought BGP advertisement interval is the following. ibgp : 5 second, ebgp : 30 second. But, now I realize that the default ibgp interval of Cisco is 0 second. (ios 12.0 & IOX) (it displays "Default minimum time between advertisement runs is 0 seconds") When d

We need your lightning talks!

2009-06-08 Thread Joel Jaeggli
Folks, Lightning talk submissions are being accepted for the monday tuesday wednesday slots. Lightning talks are short (10 minutes), topical and timely. and done at the last minute. Submissions are made through the NANOG PC's talk submission tool: Unlike g