Re: rack power question

2008-03-22 Thread david raistrick
On Sat, 22 Mar 2008, Joe Greco wrote: Charging substantially less for rack space, even offset by higher costs for power, would encourage a lot of colo customers to "spread the load" around and not feel as obligated to maximize the use of space. That would in turn reduce the tendency for there

Re: rack power question

2008-03-22 Thread Edward B. DREGER
PG> Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 22:02:49 -0400 PG> From: Patrick Giagnocavo PG> Hopefully this classifies as on-topic... PG> PG> I am discussing with some investors the possible setup of new PG> datacenter space. You might also try the list. PG> Are there cases where more than 6000W pe

Re: rack power question

2008-03-22 Thread Sean Donelan
On Sat, 22 Mar 2008, Patrick Giagnocavo wrote: Would someone pay extra for > 7KW in a rack? What would be the maximum you could ever see yourself needing in order to power all 42U ? As you recognize, its not an engineering question; its an economic question. Notice how Google's space/power

rack power question

2008-03-22 Thread Patrick Giagnocavo
Hopefully this classifies as on-topic... I am discussing with some investors the possible setup of new datacenter space. Obviously we want to be able to fill a rack, and in order to do so, we need to provide enough power to each rack. Right now we are in spreadsheet mode evaluating differe

RE: Mailing list newbies suggestion

2008-03-22 Thread Joe Blanchard
Greetings, Being a "newbie" several years back, I feel I've learned more from this list just reading the various threads on different topics that come up. If anything someone thatÂ’s new to the list can search on the archives for help, but the occassional "has anyone seen/heard of this

Re: Mailing list newbies suggestion

2008-03-22 Thread Jim Popovitch
On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 8:27 PM, Keith O'Neill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I am not sure why this is an issue. Someone asked a question about > multihoming and the way I see it if you don't want to respond to it or > don't want to read it than don't. Why does this have to be a major > issue

Mailing list newbies suggestion

2008-03-22 Thread Brian Dickson
Here's a suggestion - perhaps it should go to nanog-futures, not sure... Since newbies have to first subscribe before they can post... Why not have the subscription procedure include sending the newbie a link to a page with newbie-related material, much like the nanog page on tools and resource