read thread and go to next unread (from pager)

2015-06-21 Thread Matthias Vallentin
I would like to make the following index macro work in the pager as well: This works just fine in the index, but fails in the pager if there exists an unread message directly after the current thread to be read, because goes back one message and thereby marks the displayed (unread) message

Re: read thread and go to next unread (from pager)

2015-06-21 Thread Matthias Vallentin
> macro index,pager ,foo ' set my_resolve=$resolve\ > unset resolve\ > set resolve=$my_resolve'\ > "read thread and display next unread message" > > Now then, I did try to make no mistake this time. Indeed, it works like a charm. (Clever use of resolve, BTW!) Matthias

propagating message flags across gmail label folders

2015-07-09 Thread Matthias Vallentin
I'm using mutt and offlineimap to access GMail. A message can occur in more than one folder (either due to multiple labels or simply because it exists in the All Mail folder), but when changing the flag of one message (e.g., from new to read) they don't get propagated to other folders. This is some

directly sending from postponed menu

2015-07-09 Thread Matthias Vallentin
Is it possible to send a message from the Postponed Messages menu without editing it? After having written various emails while having been offline for a while, I find it tedious to select each draft, edit it, save it, then hit 'y'. What I'd like to do is just hit 'y' directly from the Postponed Me

Re: directly sending from postponed menu

2015-07-10 Thread Matthias Vallentin
> This workflow completely obviates any need to use "postponed" for a message > which is complete. I like it! No need for a separate outbox with postfix being the outbox itself. That's the fire-and-forget workflow I'm looking for. > All you really need to make this work in concert with an > ISP'

Re: directly sending from postponed menu

2015-07-10 Thread Matthias Vallentin
> Try adding your postpone directory as a mailbox and directly access it, or > just access the // regular mail file. (it really is a regular mail file). Yeah, I noticed that I can access the mailbox like any other. Simply piping the message through sendmail should then do the trick then. The re

Re: directly sending from postponed menu

2015-07-11 Thread Matthias Vallentin
> Of these servers: one delivers to its ISP SMTP service, with no > authentication needed; That seems fine to me: the threat model here is that if you your machine gets compromised, the attacker can send mail/spam through your ISPs SMTP server. Many networks enable unauthenticated mail relay from

Restricting headers when forwarding messages

2016-01-12 Thread Matthias Vallentin
I would like to restrict the set of headers when I forward messages, such as preventing X-Label to be included. My configuration contains currently: ignore * unignore From: Sender: Reply-To: unignore To: Cc: Bcc: unignore Subject: unignore Date: unignore User-Agent: X-Mail

Re: Restricting headers when forwarding messages

2016-01-13 Thread Matthias Vallentin
> You can always edit the msg before forwarding and easily if inline. Yeah, that's what I'm doing at the moment. However, a realized that I forgot manually weeding out unwanted headers a few times and therefore seek automation for this task. Matthias

Re: Restricting headers when forwarding messages

2016-01-15 Thread Matthias Vallentin
> Please, how I could edit inline a forwarding message? When I forwarding > a message, that's body isn't showed for editing. Perhaps you have set mime_forward? From the manual: When set, the message you are forwarding will be attached as a separate MIME part instead of included in the mai

Re: Restricting headers when forwarding messages

2016-01-15 Thread Matthias Vallentin
> Not sure but you might try unsetting "forward_quote" in your ~/.muttrc or > from mutt's commandline: > :unset forward_quote Unfortunately that doesn't make a difference. Matthias

Changing Fcc in compose mode

2016-03-13 Thread Matthias Vallentin
Is it possible to change the Fcc value manually in compose mode right before sending (independent of fcc-hook)? My use case is GMail tagging: I like to save a message in a particular folder (which implicitly tags it in an IMAP setup), but would like to do so right before sending in compose mode.

Re: Changing Fcc in compose mode

2016-03-13 Thread Matthias Vallentin
(Replying to the list with the solution.) > Not sure what compose mode is, I "compose" in vi. Yeah, mutt also has a compose "mode/window." It's the window right before you hit 'y' to send with all the data. > From this screen I can manually change the headers by entering > single letter cmds, I