> Is it possible to remove the color after messages was read?
color index black red "~N~X1"
This combines two conditions: new and attachment.
When you've read it, it'll revert to a normal colour.
Rich / FlatCap
On 06/06/16 at 09:37pm, Eric Smith wrote:
> color index_flags black cyan "~X1"
> color index_flags black red "~X2-99"
Is it possible to remove the color after messages was read?
This worked like a charm in my mutt!!! :)
color index black cyan "~X1"
color index black red "~X2-99"
Richard Russon wrote on Mon-06-Jun 16 5:36PM
> Hi Eric,
> Asking NeoMutt questions on the Mutt list? You'll get me in trouble ;-)
Thanks Rich and oops, sorry I have not felt the sensitivities on
this issue. I hope that this will not last.
> > My old `color attachment black red' does not se
Hi Eric,
Asking NeoMutt questions on the Mutt list? You'll get me in trouble ;-)
> My old `color attachment black red' does not seem to work anymore.
I've just tried NeoMutt-2016-05-30 and Mutt-1.6.1 and both work for me.
Which are you trying to colour, index or pager?
This will colour emails
How do I do this?
My old `color attachment black red'
does not seem to work anymore.