Re: Hotmail Sending

2022-02-06 Thread Kevin J. McCarthy
On Sat, Feb 05, 2022 at 11:21:36PM -0500, nua kount wrote: Hi. New to Mutt, but all set up on SailfishOS, with 4 accounts, (2 Gmail, 1 Hotmail, 1 Fastmail), and sendingreceiving working fine - except for sending from Hotmail. "No Authenticators Found" error. I've tried several different smtp url

Hotmail Sending

2022-02-05 Thread nua kount
Hi. New to Mutt, but all set up on SailfishOS, with 4 accounts, (2 Gmail, 1 Hotmail, 1 Fastmail), and sendingreceiving working fine - except for sending from Hotmail. "No Authenticators Found" error. I've tried several different smtp urls. Any ideas? I can send whatever info would help. Thanks