Re: ~l pattern

2001-09-26 Thread René Clerc
* Michael Tatge [25-09-2001 17:40]: | René Clerc muttered: | > Probably. There are many workarounds. But I want the ~l option to | > work, because I believe it's designed for this issue ;) | | ~l message is addressed to a known mailing list Perhaps this is the clue; a

Re: ~l pattern

2001-09-25 Thread Michael Tatge
René Clerc muttered: > * Michael Tatge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [25-09-2001 17:03]: > | Well, yes. Shell vars maybe of help here. > > Probably. There are many workarounds. But I want the ~l option to > work, because I believe it's designed for this issue ;) ~l message is addressed to a k

Re: ~l pattern

2001-09-25 Thread René Clerc
* Michael Tatge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [25-09-2001 17:03]: | > folder-hook . "source ~/.mutt/unlist-colors" | > folder-hook ~l "source ~/.mutt/list-colors" | | The ~l pattern does not cover the folder you save mailing list messages | in. And there is no folder &quo

Re: ~l pattern

2001-09-25 Thread Michael Tatge
dex white black "~x '.*clerc\.nl'" > color index white black ~P > > == file with the problems in it ;) > > # ~/.muttrc > subscribe mutt > lists mutt > > folder-hook . "source ~/.mutt/unlist-colors" > folder-hook ~l &quo

~l pattern

2001-09-25 Thread René Clerc
Hi all, I want to do some specific colorizing when I'm viewing mailing lists. (I encountered some examples from Sven Guckes) Unforunately, things don't work the way I think they should work. == color definitions # ~/.mutt/list-colors color index brightblueblack "~h 'In-Reply-To: .*clerc\.n