I don't see any obvious way of creating folders, and then filtering the index so that
messages will be easily shipped to the appropriate folder.
Where I can find the way?
In response to an earlier rerquest for advice on enabling me to save copies of
outgoing mail, Suresh Ramasubrahamian and Frank Naumann suggested a couple of lines to
be added to .muttrc.
I've incorporated them into my .muttrc but still cannot store sent mail in my
/home/sam/Mail/outbox. (All c
I must have overlooked some line in either the mutt manual or .muttrc (or both) that
tells me how to create a folder for sent mail. Ideally all my sent mail would
automatically be saved in that folder.
Could someone provide a reference?
adable. How do
I set the COLORFGBG? (The manual.txt is a bit obscure on this issue.)
Thanks for any help,
sam rosenfeld