First of all thanks to all for suggestions. The problem was in .vimrc:
set fileencodings=latin2,utf8
when removed the 'latin2' encoding everything works fine.
AIKIDO TANREN DOJO - Poland - Warsaw - Mokotow - Ursynow - Natolin
info: phone:+4850151 mailto:
> Odd, but... Did u put
> set encoding=utf-8
> in your ~/.vimrc ?
It's in ~/.vim/ftplugins/mail for mail files. Any ways when I'm in the
editor I can checked via:
:set encoding?
and I get utf-8
AIKIDO TANREN DOJO - Poland - Warsaw - Mokotow - Ursynow - Natolin
info: http://tanre
Hi, I've decided to change the default encoding of my system from
iso-8859-2 (latin2, pl_PL) to utf-8 (pl_PL.utf8) and am still struggling
a little with mutt/vim. I did look at:
but I still have something wrong :(
When I create a new message everything work
> Nice work. Now we need someone who could bring a subset of the
> Reference Card onto a coffee mug. I've already have one for the most
> used 'vi' commands which was sold for ~10 euros years ago :-)
Any shot of that one to take a look? :)
AIKIDO TANREN DOJO - Poland - Warsaw - Mok
Really nice, big thanks!
AIKIDO TANREN DOJO - Poland - Warsaw - Mokotow - Ursynow - Natolin
info: phone:+4850151 email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> is it possible to define a specific folder where all saved attchements goes
> into?
I find these macros useful:
macro attach s /home/gawron/attachments/
macro attach S
AIKIDO TANREN DOJO - Poland - Warsaw - Mokotow - Ursynow - Natolin
info: phone: +485
> yes, but maybe you need to specify too the prefix for config. files or
> something similar. What is complaining "make install" about?
./configure --prefix=$HOME/tmpmutt --enable-imap
I get:
cat > instdoc
/bin/sh: instdoc: Brak dostępu
I suspect it's trying to access /usr/local/doc
Second thing to this install is a problem with doc's directory, after
hitting F1 key I get this error:
/doc/mutt/manual.txt: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu
The comment is in polish, that there is no such file or directory.
AIKIDO TANREN DOJO - Poland - Warsaw - Mokotow - Ursyno
I've compiled mutt 1.5.14 (--prefix=$HOME --with-imap) and that went
with no problems. But I can't install it as a regular user but only as
root :( If I configure it with --prefix=$HOME I would expect to be able
to install it in my home directory or am I thinking wrong?