--- Kyle Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
OK, I've applied the conditional version:
set pgp_encrypt_only_command="pgpewrap gpg --batch
--quiet --no-verbose --output - --encrypt --textmode
--armor --always-trust %?a? --encrypt-to %a? -- -r %r
-- %f"
set pgp_encrypt_sign_command="pgpewrap gpg
--- cga2000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> (1)
> (2)
> http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~maverick/VimColorSchemeTest/
Die etwas anderen Infos rund um das Thema Reisen. BE A BETTER
WELTENBUMMLER! www.yahoo.de/cle
--- Kyle Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> Hopefully, you see what I'm saying...
It's definitely much clearer now, and it's time for me
to apply your advice and experiment with it... I think
I've got it now.
A few quick questions before closing, if you will...
Should I set "set pgp_ignore_
--- Kyle Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
Thank you, it is much appreciated.
> > Now, the code "set pgp --encrypt-to=0x31577172"
> occurs twice in the
> > pgp section of my .muttrc. Within this scheme, do
> I need to include
> > that too in the macro??
> Eh? That wouldn't do anything at
--- Kyle Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
Thank you very much for your reply.
I apologize for not being too quick in grasping the
advice you just gave - being very new to this stuff -
so please be patient with me...
> There are several ways to do it. You could include
> the command to
> c
I've searched the net, the manual and various How-To's
and not found this information anywhere.
I have a few gpg keys corresponding to a few different
email addresses. When sending out mail within Mutt, I
choose which address to make active through a macro
key. So I am wondering how can I also inc