Is there a way to integrate some spell checking utility with mutt? I use
vi as the editor . . . .
Ta, Frank
frank joerdens
joerdens new media
urbanstr. 116
10967 berlin
t: +49 (0)30 69597650
f: +49 (0)30 7864046
gt; But that merely does the raw HTML -- I do have lynx "sort of" working as
> an auto_view with:
> text/html; lynx -force_html -dump '%s'; copiousoutput
> Thanks for any pointers...
> Scott
frank joerdens
That works!
On Tue, Feb 15, 2000 at 11:20:10AM -0500, Mike Markowski wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 15, 2000 at 05:03:05PM +0100, Frank Joerdens wrote:
> > Hmm, doesn`t work here. Upon launching mutt, I get the error
> >
> > /home/frank/.muttrc, line 1: too few arg
> Thanks,
> Mike
> On Mon, Feb 14, 2000 at 06:56:41PM +0100, Frank Joerdens wrote:
> >
> > Is it possible to configure mutt to not show the message DON'T DELETE
> > THIS MESSAGE -- FOLDER INTERNAL DATA which is generated by my IM
hat is not really stable since the server
times out and mutt gets confused and cannot reopen the timed-out mailbox
. . .
frank joerdens
joerdens new media e: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
heinrich-roller str. 16/17 t: +49 30 44055470
Just managed to install it (thanks 8-)) but this version
(from does not have
the feature I am looking for. Does anyone have the respective patch
which I might apply to the mutt-1.1i sources? Today's snapshot
behaves a little funny when browsing IMAP folders;
I'm interested in that feature also. Is it already contained in the snapshot
mutt-stable-19991220.tar.gz which I just downloaded? The problem
is, er . . . this shapshot does not contain a ./configure script
so I don't know how to install it (I tried just copying the
./configure script from the mu