* Vincent Lefevre [2022-01-14 12:20]:
> On 2022-01-14 11:05:14 +0300, Jean Louis wrote:
> > I do not see anything that is "against" the RFC5322.
> You misread it. See my other replies.
> > It MAY, and it MAY NOT. There is no strict rule to it.
> I
Thus RFC5322 does not contribute to overall understanding. It remains
as capricious decision by Latin language speaker who introduced it in
the document. It does not represent international consent.
Jean Louis
Take action in Free Software Foundation campaigns:
uot; this way. Then I can feed
back links into knowledge management system. Later such bookmarks or
hyperlinks can be quickly accessed from such system by opening mutt
and executing search on command line.
Are ~ search options available from command line and how?
Jean Louis
⎔ λ 🄯 𝍄 𝌡 𝌚
ng of name, email address,
subject into outside databases.
This feature is for my business very useful. I can
contribute in the way to translate mutt into
Swahili and few other languages.
Jean Louis