I knew that Facebook used mosquitto in their messenger app on iPhone. and
it worked pretty well. Here is what they say:
I am considering using Mosquitto to implement a chat/messaging service for
Thank you a lot Roger! really great suggestions on how to do it.
for the server side, i think my challenge will be how to add the database
storage functionality while:
- making it still be able to easily compatible with future version of
mosquitto and;
- keeping it easier to support my o
for the "client" you are talking about here, just want to make sure i
understand correctly:
what i should do is:
1. just run a *regular *broker as the original mosquitto broker on the
server side.* I should not modify it at all;*
2. meanwhile, i should implement a *special client* on the *server
thanks a lot Roger, already using it in my dev environment.
I noticed the package at homebrew is still 1.0.2. will it be updated soon?
On Sat, Nov 3, 2012 at 9:26 PM, Roger Light wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've just released version 1.0.5:
> http://mosquitto.org/2012/11/version-1-0-5-released/
Since i was trying to use the latest library 1.0.5 on iOS development, I
updated the Marquette wrapper to support 1.0.5.
Tested with the basic functionality, no obvious problems. Still waiting for
Nick's approval on the pull request, hope he can come to check it out soon.
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