[Mosquitto-users] I think mosquitto python library 1.1.3 on Python 2.7 doesn't work with username/pwd

2013-05-06 Thread Zvi Avraham
Hi, I able to connect to the broker using different clients with the same username/password combination (mqttjs with node.js and mosquito_pub/sub), but not using mosquitto Python library. I use mosquitto 1.1.3 on Python 2.7 on Ubuntu 10.04. I get rc=4 (CONNACK_REFUSED_BAD_USERNAME_PASSWORD) in o

Re: [Mosquitto-users] I think mosquitto python library 1.1.3 on Python 2.7 doesn't work with username/pwd

2013-05-06 Thread Roger Light
Hi Zvi, I hate to ask, but are you sure you have the username correct? > self.client.username_pw_set('uername', 'password') The username and password code is tested for all client libraries in the same manner, so I'm quite confident that it is ok. The relevant test here is test/lib/01-un