[Mosquitto-users] MQTTs gateway

2013-03-21 Thread stefano costa
An interesting new development has recently been published on GITHub, a client for MQTTS. But: is there any MQTTS/MQTT out there, or MQTTS-compliant broker? Thanks S -- Stefano Costa, R&D Manager M +39 335 6565749 Skype stefanocosta.bluewind http://www.bluewind.it/stefanoco?code=17 -

Re: [Mosquitto-users] [mqtt] MQTTs gateway

2013-03-21 Thread Nicholas J Humfrey
Hello, Having found there to be no open source MQTT-S implementations, I have started writing three! C-based command line tool: https://github.com/njh/mqtts-client A gateway written in Ruby + EventMachine: https://github.com/njh/ruby-em-mqtts And a library for Nanode/Arduino that uses the Ether