[Mosquitto-users] Retained messages

2012-09-18 Thread stefano costa
Hello, we're developing a simple application (daemon) that will create an history of messages published on a broker, more on this as soon as I have a first draft of the architecture. This is related to a product under development but I think it could be useful also to others. In order to be a

Re: [Mosquitto-users] Retained messages

2012-09-18 Thread Roger Light
Hi Stefano, The retained flag has different meanings depending on whether a message is going from the client to the broker or broker to client. For a message from the client to the broker, if the retained flag is set the client is telling the broker that this message should be retained as the last

Re: [Mosquitto-users] Mosquitto - Forcefully disconnecting clients on demand

2012-09-18 Thread Roger Light
Hi Saurabh, I'm afraid that there aren't currently any admin commands you can send to the broker, but this sort of remote control feature is on the list for a future version. You can force clients to disconnect by connecting a new client that has the same client id as the one you wish to disconnec

Re: [Mosquitto-users] Mosquitto+Python+MySQL+APNS

2012-09-18 Thread Roger Light
Hi Yun, > 1. what's the best practice to connect Mosquitto broker with the MySQL to > make sure: all messages are stored in the database? Ideally, all message > sent to server should be stored in the db before they are distributed, to > ensure the data security. At the moment you have to write an

Re: [Mosquitto-users] Mosquitto+Python+MySQL+APNS

2012-09-18 Thread Roger Light
Hi, >> 3. for the iPhone wrapper of the mosquitto client, I checked Marquette , is >> this wrapper compatible with the latest version of Mosquitto 1.0.2 > > From what I can see, the last commit to Marquette was 8 months ago, so > unfortunately no it isn't compatible with 1.0.2. I'm sure that Nick

Re: [Mosquitto-users] Mosquitto+Python+MySQL+APNS

2012-09-18 Thread Yun Kong Tech
Thank you a lot Roger! really great suggestions on how to do it. for the server side, i think my challenge will be how to add the database storage functionality while: - making it still be able to easily compatible with future version of mosquitto and; - keeping it easier to support my o

Re: [Mosquitto-users] Mosquitto+Python+MySQL+APNS

2012-09-18 Thread Yun Kong Tech
for the "client" you are talking about here, just want to make sure i understand correctly: what i should do is: 1. just run a *regular *broker as the original mosquitto broker on the server side.* I should not modify it at all;* 2. meanwhile, i should implement a *special client* on the *server

Re: [Mosquitto-users] Mosquitto+Python+MySQL+APNS

2012-09-18 Thread Roger Light
Hi Yun, Yes, you're correct but with one additional point. Your special client isn't just for saving messages to the database, it's for the server side application processing - i.e. turning it into a chat application rather than simply clients connected to an MQTT broker. It would also be doing th

Re: [Mosquitto-users] Retained messages

2012-09-18 Thread stefano costa
Thanks Roger, now more details are very clear to me. I'll take this into account and find a way. S Roger Light ha scritto: Hi Stefano, The retained flag has different meanings depending on whether a message is going from the client to the broker or broker to client. For a message from the cli