[mono-android] monodroid installation for android developers

2012-04-03 Thread spcware
I am not able to find any manual installation instructions for someone like me that is already a .NET developer and an android developer. In other words, I already have the JDK, Android SDK, and VS2010 installed. What else do I need to get started with monodroid? I don't want to install the inte

Re: [mono-android] Xamarin - Amazon S3

2013-11-15 Thread spcware
I believe it is a runtim error with the Xamarin version of Amazon AWS SDK. The SDK uses XSLT files at runtime to process the XML responses and the Xamarin version of Amazon AWS SDK does NOT include the XSLT in the project as EmbeddedResources. Set all XSLT files as EmbeddedResources and rebuild t