[mono-android] Best way to have a list view scroll the whole screen

2012-02-02 Thread cmdrew
Hi, New to Android development so forgive any obvious errors! I have implemented an activity which has a number of 'header' fields and a ListView. The ListView uses a ListAdapter to display the list items as they are both variable height and contain multiple lines per list item. This all works

[mono-android] Issues accessing the Camera Intent

2012-02-16 Thread cmdrew
Hi, I hope that someone may be able to help with an issue I have accessing the camera intent using an HTC Desire running Android 2.3. I have an application which has a number of screens, one of which displays a list of photographs already taken for a 'job' and allows the user to take additional p

[mono-android] Spinner within PopupWindow

2012-04-19 Thread cmdrew
I'm having an issue with a spinner placed within a PopupWindow in that when I try to show the items in the spinner, I get an Android Force Close. I have reproduced in a very simple 'Hello World' project and really can't see why there should be an issue. Doesn't appear to be anything in the Androi