[mono-android] SIGSEGV on global::Java.Lang.Object.GetObject<>

2013-04-16 Thread baramuse
Hi, I'm struggling with using a third party JNI library. I've managed to build the BindingLibrary project, use the just-built library in my Monodroid app, call some methods etc, basically it's working.. BUT now i'm facing more vicious crashes inside my app. Basically, the library is a video play

Re: [mono-android] SIGSEGV on global::Java.Lang.Object.GetObject<>

2013-04-16 Thread baramuse
Some precisions : 1/ The full code of the generated method is : 2 / same app but in native java works fine - creative the video player - adding an event listener - playing the video - getting the events 3/ it is always after "at least" two events that the crash occurs 4/ I logged the param

Re: [mono-android] SIGSEGV on global::Java.Lang.Object.GetObject<>

2013-04-16 Thread baramuse
me again :) I've read about the possible reason of a SIGSEGV with JNIEnv, and could it be thread related ? from Android Developer Documentation : JNI Tips /The JNIEnv is used for thread-local storage. For this reason, you cannot sha

Re: [mono-android] Google map v2 CustomMapTileProvider

2013-04-16 Thread baramuse
You need to use the GoogleMaps V2 library via a BindingLibrary project as referred here : http://forums.xamarin.com/discussion/2920/googlemaps-tileprovider Cheers. -- View this message in context: http://mono-for-android.1047100.n5.nabble.com/Google-map-v2-CustomMapTileProvider-tp5713162p571

Re: [mono-android] how to deploy mono for android app(.apk file) to android tablet

2013-04-17 Thread baramuse
Debug .apk can of course be deployed on device, otherwise, how would you want to debug on device ? :) (of course you'll need to enable developper options in the tablet preferences) Can you provide with the build output? coud be useful to understand what's happening. Regards. -- View this messa

Re: [mono-android] SIGSEGV on global::Java.Lang.Object.GetObject<>

2013-04-21 Thread baramuse
Any thoughts about this one ? I really can't do anything with the library because of this instability... kind of a deal breaker here because I can't use an other library neither :/ And the company is getting anxious as it's a mandatory part of a big project... -- View this message in context:

Re: [mono-android] deployment problem::my android device (tab) is not enabling in select device window

2013-04-23 Thread baramuse
Hi again Krish. As the device selection windows states : "Evaluation version only deploys to emulators." So you're trying to deploy on a real device with an evaluation version which is not possible. Update you licence, at least for a (full) trial version, and you'll be able to deploy on your devi

Re: [mono-android] HOW to dialog with Rest services

2013-05-06 Thread baramuse
you can use Restsharp, an opensource portable .net rest-client library, available for monodroid too : https://github.com/restsharp/RestSharp works well, embed authentification protocols, xml and json serialization, easy to use !! Have fun. -- View thi