Re: [mono-android] AsyncTask<> stub generation bug

2012-03-22 Thread andyjohnson0
Hi, I was using AsyncTask<> beccause it is safe to access the user interface in the post execute method [1]. This this also true for the .net task library classes? Andy [1] -- View this message in context: http:/

Re: [mono-android] NameResolutionFailure in release build only

2012-03-22 Thread andyjohnson0
Hi Jonathan, Thanks for the response. I changed the build action to None, unloaded the project, added the line you suggested using notepad, and re-loaded. The application compiles okay but I get a deployment error - see for the output. Before adding the line I checke

Re: [mono-android] AsyncTask<> stub generation bug

2012-03-22 Thread andyjohnson0
Jonathan, That's what I though. Thanks for the code frag - I don't think I'd have thought of that. For now I'm using the non-generic version of AsyncTask with some extra casts. A bit messy but it works. Is is possible to say whether the problem I have encountered the same as the one described in

Re: [mono-android] NameResolutionFailure in release build only

2012-03-22 Thread andyjohnson0
If I take the Properties\AndroidManifest.xml line out of the oroginal project file then it builds and deploys without error. I created a new project as you suggested, added a manifest using (project)->Properties->Android Manifest->Create Manifest, added the original source files and axml files (

Re: [mono-android] NameResolutionFailure in release build only

2012-03-23 Thread andyjohnson0
I've finally got to the root of this. As you suspected, I had a class derived from Android.App.Application that had a [Application(Label = "MyApp")] attribute. It looks like this was conflicting with the manifest, which had a element. I've removed the attribute from the class. My application now

Re: [mono-android] AsyncTask<> stub generation bug

2012-03-23 Thread andyjohnson0
Thanks Jonathan. That works for me. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mono for Android mailing list archive at ___ Monodroid mail

[mono-android] Problem debugging a winforms application in solution containing mono for android application

2012-05-03 Thread andyjohnson0
I have a solution containing three projects: a mono for android application, a winforms application, and a c# class library. Both applications reference the class library, and the class library does not reference mono/android in any way. The Android application builds and deploys okay, but when I

Re: [mono-android] Problem debugging a winforms application in solution containing mono for android application

2012-05-03 Thread andyjohnson0
Thanks for responding Jonathan. Is this a bug in 4.0.6 that is fixed in 4.1? In the solution configuration manager my winforms application has x86 as the platform and the deploy checkbox is not ticked. But it still seems to want to deploy via mono/android. -- View this message in context: http

Re: [mono-android] Problem debugging a winforms application in solution containing mono for android application

2012-05-03 Thread andyjohnson0
>It's not trying to deploy your winforms app to android, it's trying to >deploy your android app to android, even though you aren't trying to >debug it. Thanks! Your explanation helped me to understand. Temporarily unloading the android project allows me to debug the winforms project. I can liv

[mono-android] Type systems: java.lang.Object and System.Object

2012-07-11 Thread andyjohnson0
In a recent MfA project I needed to link UI elements (derived from View) to their corresponding data model object (derived from System.Object). The most natural way to do this was to use the View.Tag property. Since this is a java.lang.Object reference, I had to write a generic class that derives f

Re: [mono-android] Type systems: java.lang.Object and System.Object

2012-07-13 Thread andyjohnson0
Interesting use of extension methods - I'm not sure I would ever have thought of that. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mono for Android mailing list archive at Nabbl

Re: [mono-android] Type systems: java.lang.Object and System.Object

2012-07-13 Thread andyjohnson0
Thanks for the comprehensive reply Jonathan. Since the need to use a wrapper object seems to be a common problem, I think that the framework should provide a standard class for this. -- View this message in context:

[mono-android] Deploying to multiple devices

2012-07-24 Thread andyjohnson0
Can anyone point me to information describing how to deploy to multiple Android devices? I found information on the Xamarin site on doing this for MonoTouch, so I may be missing something obvious... I have an internal application that I want to distribute via an intranet site, so thats the scenari

Re: [mono-android] Deploying to multiple devices

2012-07-25 Thread andyjohnson0
Thanks for replying. I understand how to get an apk onto the devices. My problem was that I didn't see how to build the apk without being forced to deploy it to a local device or emulator. Anyway, realised that I have to use Build->Package for Android. I really don't know why I failed to notice t

[mono-android] LocationManager.requestSingleUpdate()

2012-10-12 Thread andyjohnson0
I have an application targeting api level 15, and I noticed that LocationManager.requestSingleUpdate() seems to be missing. Am I missing something, or is this not implemented? And are there plans to implement it? I'm running Mono for Android 4.2.6. Thanks, Andy -- View this message in contex

Re: [mono-android] LocationManager.requestSingleUpdate()

2012-10-13 Thread andyjohnson0
Thanks Jonathan. That fixed it. I'm using vs2010 and upped the api level from 9. I tried reloading the solution, but not restarting visual studio. Andy -- View this message in context: Se

[mono-android] OCR using tesseract

2012-10-13 Thread andyjohnson0
Does anyone have any experience of doing ocr on an Android device using tesseract or tess-two [1]? It claims to build on Windows, so I assume I'll just have to figure out the p/invoke signatures after that. Has anyone already done this? [1] Thanks, Andy

[mono-android] Publishing problem

2012-12-12 Thread andyjohnson0
I am trying to publish my first application to the Play store. It is just a simple hello world app that will go on our company's private channel. I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Pro with Mono for Android 4.2.7. I created a keystore using the command: keytool -genkey -v -keystore c:\users\Andy\Androi

Re: [mono-android] Publishing problem

2012-12-13 Thread andyjohnson0
I now understand whats going wrong, and I suspect that something might be slightly broken in the Publish wizard. tldr is that the wizard looks for the built apk using the wrong name, and the assembly name and package name have to be the same otherwise the wizard fails to sign the apk. First, I ver

[mono-android] Missing icon preventing deploy to Play Store

2013-05-17 Thread andyjohnson0
I am trying to upload an apk to the play store, and this is failing with the message "Upload failed You need to add an icon to your APK.". This is a new app and has not been uploaded before. I used aapt.exe to dump the apk's badging and get the following: package: name='foo.MyApp' versionCode='1'

Re: [mono-android] Missing icon preventing deploy to Play Store

2013-05-17 Thread andyjohnson0
Jonathan, Yes, that solved it. Many thanks for the very quick response. Now I actually remember adding that assembly attribute to other projects, but since I don't do Android dev full-time it was a while ago... Is there a reason why the attribute isn't automatically added to Properties/AssemblyI

[mono-android] Reusing UI code in class libraries

2013-10-07 Thread andyjohnson0
I have some UI classes that I want to re-use across a number of projects. Normally I would put them in a class library to be referenced by the projects. However, they reference resources (mainly layouts and strings) and resources in class libraries are not (yet?) supported. So I'm wondering what i

Re: [mono-android] Reusing UI code in class libraries

2013-10-09 Thread andyjohnson0
Thanks Jon. It turned out I was using 4.3.something on the machine in question. I was so sure that it was up to date that I didn't check, and then I found old comments on SO complaining about lack of resource support in class libs which just re-enforced by belief that it still wasn't supported. I'v