7;m in the process of writing a cross platform app
(Android, IPhone/Pad, Win 7), so I'm trying to make the core code (business
rules, error messages) as generic as possible. I'm also using the MonoCross
framework on top of Android.
Any ideas how I can read the files? Thanks in a
This will do what you want I think -
public class JsonSerializer
private static readonly JsonSerializerSettings SerializationSettings =
ContractResolver = new using
Try annotating the id fields in your C# class with [IgnoreDataMember].
Something like -
public int Id { get; set; }
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If you just want to display Chinese characters on the console use.
This works because c# treats all strings as UTF16.
I think System.Console.Out.WriteLine(s) uses a Stream that probably utilises
the default system encoding which in your case doesn't support Chines
I'm trying to restyle the default ActionBarSherlock theme and getting the
dreaded "aapt.exe exited with code 1. (MSB6006)" error. I've isolated the
problem to the following XML in my Themes.xml -
It would seem that the compiler can't find the style
Thanks Jon
I've tried your suggestions with no luck. There is no particularly helpful
information in the build log. The only error that is different from the
aapt.exe error message is this -
Done building target "_UpdateAndroidResgen" in project "SupepeUITest.csproj"
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An ArrayAdapter is the easiest way to go unless you want to use a custom
layout. All you need to do is convert your list into an array.
ArrayAdapter myAdapter =
new ArrayAdapter(context,
Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleSpinnerItem, items.ToArray());
I guess you could also try using the Threshold property to set the number of
characters that need to be input before the auto complete kicks in, in
conjunction with a key listener to determine when the threshold is met, so
you can call your webservice in a new thread.
You might run into threadin
Try calling ca.NotifyDataSetChanged() after you've reloaded your adapter from
the service.
The call to get the company contacts should run in a new thread to prevent
UI thread from blocking. But the call to NotifyDataSetChanged needs to run
on the UI thread, so you should use RunOnUiThread to mak
Try instead of localhost.
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Hi All,
Just as a note, I have googled this and have searched the xamarin forum.
I have a couple of cases within my code where I use the 1252 codepage to do
some encoding.
When running in debug it works without issue, in debug I use shared mono
runtime and no linker.
When I move it to release m
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