I'm running on W7 x64 and haven't had any serious problems (touch wood)
Here's my configuration:
OS NameMicrosoft Windows 7 Ultimate
> Version6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
> System Typex64-based PC
> ProcessorIntel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 000 @ 3.20GHz, 3201 Mhz, 6
> Core
Thanks Mel.
I've checked for files on my system, and fair enough paths weren't taking
in consideration my x64 system.
so I've copied the xml into *C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
10.0\Xml\Schemas\monodroidcatalog.xml* and updated paths within to point to
x86 folder: ...*href="%ProgramFile
Oh, that's how it is done! I've just checked - and indeed I get it now.
However it doesn't seem to work for layouts (http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android";>). And that's it quite
On 19 February 2013 21:53, wrote:
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: ldevoux
> T
There are a range of issues with your code. But the compiler has told you
that already.
It is likely that you're either not linking an assembly where
*TableItem*type defined, or you haven't imported the namespace where
it lives (via
*using* at the top of the file).
If it is a generic type
I've read the "Take a Picture and Save Using Camera App" example and
downloaded provided sample (
However it looks the sample is either too inefficient or there is a mono's
issue - just after
> Date: Wed, 1 May 2013 10:48:40 -0400
> Subject: Re: [mono-android] "Take a Picture and Save Using Camera App"
> example fails with Java.Lang.OutOfMemoryError
> On May 1, 2013, at 10:04 AM, Igor Velikorossov wrote:
> > I've read the "Take a Picture and Sav
I've recently observed similar issues.
First of all there seems to be reports that different devices may be to
blame. Samsungs are notorious for such bug
Secondly, an
> Can you please point me to more Apps written in Mono for Android? I need
> this in order to deiced whatever to go the Mono path or continue with Java.
> Thanks,
> Yoni.
My app - Dinkum Logbook - is developed with Monodroid. I've just released
to the public.
Google provides data backup service (
https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/data/backup.html), which I'm
trying to take advantage of.
I followed the instructions, but I can't seem to get it working. I've done
the following:
1. Registered for the backup service and got the key