Then, please let me know, that you have problems reading/translating the log.
I didn't receive any feedback from you for days, so I can't help you, then.
I can try to provide the log in english.
This evening i'll reinstall 4.6.4 and install system-language english.
I hope, this will write the log i
You are exactly right, and I feel somewhat stupid on this one. When I restart
the app, the old installation is being removed, thus removing all data.
On Apr 24, 2013, at 4:52 PM, Jonathan Pryor wrote:
> On Apr 23, 2013, at 2:29 PM, dstilwell wrote:
>> However if I stop the
I've been searching for help, but most posts are using an array adapter. I
don't 'think' that is what I can use.
I have a requirement to use an autocomplete text view to provide suggestions
for an email address. When the user selects an address from the list, I'm to
populate the associated contact
An ArrayAdapter is the easiest way to go unless you want to use a custom
layout. All you need to do is convert your list into an array.
ArrayAdapter myAdapter =
new ArrayAdapter(context,
Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleSpinnerItem, items.ToArray());