[mono-android] Help with Binding EcoGallery

2013-03-01 Thread Kosta Mihajlov
Hi, I'm trying to bind the EcoGallery widget in Monodroid https://github.com/falnatsheh/EcoGallery wich is a replacement of the current gallery widget with additional functionality for GCing the views. Did someone managed to successfully bind this widget ? Unil now i have managed to displa

Re: [mono-android] Enhancement code for Spinner

2013-03-01 Thread Paul Johnson
Hi, hi,its glad to tell i saved spinner value(courseNumbers) in database with ur assistance code...but when i click on retreive button now i want to populate that spinner with courses based on the value(courseNumber) in database based on sno... ex data in database: snocourseaddress 1000

[mono-android] the version of 4.4.54

2013-03-01 Thread qinyi
how can i download this version?please tell me the website! not 4.4.55 version -- View this message in context: http://mono-for-android.1047100.n5.nabble.com/the-version-of-4-4-54-tp5712929.html Sent from the Mono for Android mailing list archive at Nabble.com. _

[mono-android] Auto-close alert dialog after a specific time

2013-03-01 Thread zia
Auto-close alert dialog after a specific time using Mono for Android -- View this message in context: http://mono-for-android.1047100.n5.nabble.com/Auto-close-alert-dialog-after-a-specific-time-tp5712930.html Sent from the Mono for Android mailing list archive at Nabble.com. ___

Re: [mono-android] How to use Orientation OnConfiguration method in monoandroid

2013-03-01 Thread pushtest82
How to use Orientation in mono for android? Here I post my code , [Activity (Label = "Setting",Theme = "@android:style/Theme.Black.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen",ConfigurationChanges=Android.Content.PM.ConfigChanges.Orientation|Android.Content.PM.ConfigChanges.KeyboardHidden)] //,ScreenOrientation = Scre

[mono-android] How to use Orientation onConfigurationChanged method in monoandroid?

2013-03-01 Thread pushtest82
Hi All, Anyone one can help me...I don't know how to use both landscape and portrait mode ...When I design and modify the landscape and portrait means ,its automatically design was also changed in other mode ..So I plan to use two different screens name and call it in onConfigurationChanged metho

[mono-android] Android.Text.Format.DateFormat.GetDateFormat is missing

2013-03-01 Thread kruzo
Hi. I want to format date and time in user's locale. I know about DateTimeFormatInfo class. This is phone locale info, but user can override it and set current date and time format in Settings -> Date & time. In Android we have android.text.format.dateFormat.getDateFormat and getTimeFormat. But I c

Re: [mono-android] Java.Lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java.lang.ICharSequence

2013-03-01 Thread m3rb1n
Hi, Is there any way to fix the problem below? I got this when running an application using a java binding library for Zebra Printer. {Java.Lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Exception of type 'Java.Lang.NoClassDefFoundError' was thrown. at Android.Runtime.JNIEnv.FindClass (System.String classname) [0

Re: [mono-android] Java.Lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java.lang.ICharSequence

2013-03-01 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Mar 1, 2013, at 5:23 AM, m3rb1n wrote: > --- End of managed exception stack trace --- > java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: > com/zebra/android/discovery/BluetoothDiscoverer You're getting an error because the type com.zebra.android.discovery.BluetoothDiscoverer cannot be found. Where is this

Re: [mono-android] Can't start remove service

2013-03-01 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Feb 28, 2013, at 11:48 PM, johnbowick wrote: > I'm currently trying to develop an application under Android using Mono. Plugins are problematic: http://forums.xamarin.com/discussion/comment/5245/#Comment_5245 You cannot have a Plugin which inherits from Java types or requires entries

Re: [mono-android] Android.Text.Format.DateFormat.GetDateFormat is missing

2013-03-01 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Feb 27, 2013, at 12:26 PM, kruzo wrote: > In Android we have android.text.format.dateFormat.getDateFormat and > getTimeFormat. But I can't find these classes in Monodroid. Unfortunately they are not bound at this time. We are looking into binding them in a future release. In the meantime, y

Re: [mono-android] Dynamic assembly loading issues

2013-03-01 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Feb 27, 2013, at 12:10 AM, johnbowick wrote: > I have to compile application against correct Microsoft.Data.SqlXml.dll > assembly. Bundle the assembly with your project so that everyone uses the same version. Furthermore, you probably should be building this from source so that it uses the

Re: [mono-android] the version of 4.4.54

2013-03-01 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Feb 24, 2013, at 11:57 AM, qinyi <120742...@qq.com> wrote: > how can i download this version?please tell me the website! not 4.4.55 version What's wrong with the 4.4.55 version? The difference between them is that 4.4.55 will more reliably create an MfaActivation.dat file when activation fail