I have been developing applications for linux/windows by using
mono and gtk-sharp. I wonder if there is a way to get these apps.
on android by using monodroid or do i have to use android.sdk?
To be more precise; I want to run my gtk-sharp applictions(".exe")
run on android without any change
On Dec 1, 2012, at 5:32 AM, huseyin cakir wrote:
> I have been developing applications for linux/windows by using mono and
> gtk-sharp. I wonder if there is a way to get these apps. on android by using
> monodroid or do i have to use android.sdk?
Short version: No, you should use Mono for Andro
I got it thanks. But if there was a way to port my gtk-sharp apps. on
android it would be great.
Best Regards.
Monodroid mailing list
How can you tell which version of m4a an apk was compiled with?
I'm pretty sure I've had preferExternal, minSDK 7, targetSDK 8, for months,
but I've recently had user reports they can't move to the SD card and I want
to check if the apk was built against 4.2.3.
I extracted the apk file and looked