Re: [mono-android] failed to build aapt.exe exited with code 1

2012-08-30 Thread John Murray
Thanks Jonathan The error was - it was objecting to a graphics file which had spaces in the name. You might ask why this worked on previous builds? Well I remember once just after updating the android-sdk using monodevelop instead of VS2010. It appears that MonoDevelop has changed the build flags

[mono-android] Finish() behaving differently under v404

2012-08-30 Thread John Murray
I've acquired an ICS mobile and started testing on it I've got several subordinate activities where there is a cancel button which use Finish() to end the activity. On the v404 machine this returns right to the beginning and appears to restart the app including splash screen (although data enter

[mono-android] Cancelling download updates nukes VS2012

2012-08-30 Thread Miha Markic
Hi guys, I am on latest v4.2.5. When I start VS2012 I am being offered to download a new version of 4.2.4. Now, if I click Download and then either download or cancel download it is OK. But if I click Cancel on the update dialog then VS2012 goes into a deep comma - only forced close helps. VS20

Re: [mono-android] Binding Services - casting interface on service connection fails

2012-08-30 Thread Mark Eaton
Thanks to that Java file my C# function now works perfectly. Thanks for that!! As such I don't need to plug in the jar file. I can't believe I had to do a _data.WriteInt(1) to make it work. public Bundle SendBillingRequest(Bundle bundle) { Parcel _data = Pa

Re: [mono-android] Obfuscator and failed GenerateJavaStubs

2012-08-30 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Aug 30, 2012, at 2:44 AM, Igor Russkih wrote: > C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Novell\Novell.MonoDroid.Common.targets(690,3): > error MSB4018: The "GenerateJavaStubs" task failed unexpectedly. > C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Novell\Novell.MonoDroid.Common.targets(690,3): > error MSB4018: System.