Re: [mono-android] The GenerateJavaStubs task failed unexpectedly.

2012-06-11 Thread Terry151151
My problem was that the Javascript interface was is in a library, and so was the reference to Mono.Android.Export. As soon as I put the reference to Mono.Android.Export into the main program the problem disappeared. I also have another question related to the Javascript interface. Can the interfac

[mono-android] problem deploying 4.2.2

2012-06-11 Thread John Murray
I've upgraded to 4.2.2 despite the aversion caused by the VS2010 crashes in v 4.2.1 and am now using mD 3.02 All works as expected except when I try to debug on the test machine - an xperia arc s running 2.3.5 I get pkg: /sdcard/tmp/com.murray.Agar14-Signed.apk Failure [I

[mono-android] Passing callback functions from Javascript to Mono

2012-06-11 Thread Terry151151
I have a JQuery script that calls a Javascript interface and I would like to pass two callback functions to Mono. When the C# function get called from the WebView the two functions are null. Any idea how to pass the callback functions? Simplified Code: JQuery: $(document).ready( function() { v

Re: [mono-android] Passing callback functions from Javascript to Mono

2012-06-11 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Jun 11, 2012, at 9:36 AM, Terry151151 wrote: > I have a JQuery script that calls a Javascript interface and I would like to > pass two callback functions to Mono. When the C# function get called from the > WebView the two functions are null. Any idea how to pass the callback > functions? I b

Re: [mono-android] problem deploying 4.2.2

2012-06-11 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Jun 11, 2012, at 4:58 AM, John Murray wrote: > All works as expected except when I try to debug on the test machine – an > xperia arc s running 2.3.5 > > I get > pkg: /sdcard/tmp/com.murray.Agar14-Signed.apk > Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE] It looks like you get

Re: [mono-android] debugger constantly detaches

2012-06-11 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Jun 10, 2012, at 10:00 AM, l0nestar wrote: > I intermittently get this error when the debugger detaches. > > Could you try using the 4.2.3 beta release? That has a number of fixes in the VS addin. > I was also

Re: [mono-android] problem deploying 4.2.2

2012-06-11 Thread John Murray
Tx Jonathan I'll try that - enjoy your beer in San Francisco -Original Message- From: Jonathan Pryor [] Sent: 11 June 2012 16:27 To:; Discussions related to Mono for Android Subject: Re: [mono-android] problem deploying 4.2.2 On Jun 11, 2012,

Re: [mono-android] debugger constantly detaches

2012-06-11 Thread Sayed Arian Kooshesh
someone, somewhere used a generic try catch handler On Sat, Jun 9, 2012 at 6:09 PM, l0nestar wrote: > Ok - i can believe that ;-) > > ...but I don't see anything that states this is explicitly? why would I not > get an out of memory (or equivalent) message in logcat or some other > indication? >

[mono-android] Tow mapviews

2012-06-11 Thread Sloot
Hello, I'm working on an Monodroid app which uses two mapviews. The first mapview is for showing all kind of POI's and Polygons (water) and the second Mapview is used for inserting a new POI by clicking on the that Mapview. My problem is (and it's a known problem for Android) that the Mapviews beh

[mono-android] mono DataAdapter it error?

2012-06-11 Thread mcxxx
I could not understand why a process fails while installing the DataTable I'm doing wrong Mono.Data.Sqlite.SqliteDataAdapter da=new SqliteDataAdapter("select * from custome",con); System.Data.DataTable dt=new DataTable(); dt.BeginLoadData();

Re: [mono-android] problem deploying 4.2.2

2012-06-11 Thread Sayed Arian Kooshesh
jon, in general, with monodroid and all programming, you should take care how many object you allocated and how many you stuff in to views. You should also never use httputility as the static constructor causes a whole meg of memory to vainsh. Only crap programmers use it anyway, (like dimitris, w

Re: [mono-android] problem deploying 4.2.2

2012-06-11 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Jun 11, 2012, at 1:00 PM, Sayed Arian Kooshesh wrote: > You should also never use httputility as the static constructor causes a > whole meg of memory to vainsh. How pray-tell did you come to this conclusion? My (really stupid) test shows that it only uses 26k: protected override voi

Re: [mono-android] mono DataAdapter it error?

2012-06-11 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Jun 11, 2012, at 7:36 AM, mcxxx wrote: > I could not understand why a process fails while installing the DataTable I'm > doing wrong Sorry, bug: - Jon ___ Monodroid mailing list Monodroid@

Re: [mono-android] Tow mapviews

2012-06-11 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Jun 10, 2012, at 7:41 AM, Sloot wrote: > My problem is (and it's a known problem for Android) that the Mapviews behave > strange. The solution which I've found is to open the second screen (with the > second > Mapview) in a new process. Can anybode tell me how this has to be done in > Monodro

Re: [mono-android] Passing callback functions from Javascript to Mono

2012-06-11 Thread Terry151151
This appears to be true. After playing around the only things I could pass were primitive data types. Thanks Terry. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mono for

[mono-android] Does anybody know a way to type and validate at the same time in a WebView

2012-06-11 Thread Terry151151
I need to be able to type and validate at the same time in a WebView. The typing accesses either a local Sqlite cache or and online database if available. I can't use loadUrl as it always hides the soft keyboard on every key stroke. I also can't use a Javascript interface as it can't take callback