Re: [mono-android] Asynchronous display pics into listview

2012-03-19 Thread Michel
te quickly. Stuart On 18 March 2012 17:37, Michel wrote: Hello. To display asynchonous pics to my listview, with one or more http connexions, i wrote a special thread, and change Imageitem.setImageDrawable. But there is a problem with this system i must put a unique id for each Ima

[mono-android] Asynchronous display pics into listview

2012-03-18 Thread Michel
Hello. To display asynchonous pics to my listview, with one or more http connexions, i wrote a special thread, and change Imageitem.setImageDrawable. But there is a problem with this system i must put a unique id for each ImageView in listview, load the item ImageView into a list, and just

Re: [mono-android] bug into listview (monodroid bug ?)

2012-03-16 Thread Michel
de Jonathan Pryor Envoyé : jeudi 15 mars 2012 15:32 À : Discussions related to Mono for Android Objet : Re: [mono-android] bug into listview (monodroid bug ?) And for those not on #monodroid... On Mar 15, 2012, at 7:07 AM, Michel wrote: ... > -- Class ListViewCategories -- >

Re: [mono-android] bug into listview (monodroid bug ?)

2012-03-15 Thread Michel
Mmhh ok.. currently I'm trying to adapt it to my solution, I understand what w-according-to-gref-limit do, but i don't see how to adapt it to my actuel Csharp code.. I search :) Thanks for the answer -Message d'origi

[mono-android] Howto have full screen with SplashScreen

2012-02-17 Thread Michel
Hello. I use a splash screen before StartActivity(realactivity) [Activity (Label = "@string/app_name", MainLauncher = true, Theme= "@style/Theme.Splash", Icon = "@drawable/Icon", NoHistory = true )] in