Thanks Jon, perfect and all working now. Is there a good a good resource
anywhere you can recommend for reading up the details of JNIENV.
View this message in context:
Sent from the Mono for Android mailin
I'm trying to make a call from c# to a Java library and can't figure out the
bits of JNIENV syntax, I'm able to get so far and was wondering if anyone
could help me. I have put the Java Code and the C# code that I've got so
far. I've just listed some of the main members in the Java PushManager clas
Spent some more time on this and thought I would post what I found in case
anyone else is trying to integrate Urban Airship with Mono For Android. The
JNI calls I was making were ok but I discovered when looking in the Android
Device Logging window that if I put the developmentAppKey or
Just realised I should have been looking in the Android Device Logging window
as can see some good info now. It looks like it is running fine but is
failing to read contents of correctly. It only
reads the first line of whatever property is there and fails to read the
Hi Jon
Thanks for the confirmation on the JNI bits.
Yes have set the build action to AndroidAsset for the config file..
The error I'm getting is :-
Java.Lang.IllegalArgumentException: Application configuration is invalid.
Unhandled Exception:
Java.Lang.IllegalArgumentException: Application c
I'm writing some Mono For Android code to use Urban Airship Push
Notifications (www. I have downloaded the Urban
Airship sample java android project and can get everything working using
their Java project but need to create a Mono For Android project and make
some calls to