I'd like to humbly request co-maint for App::PAUSE::cleanup. I've tried
to poke the author, ROKR on both his github profile and the associated
gmail email 25 days ago, and didn't hear back from him. His latest CPAN
module update is from 2010 and there is no github activity since January
I'd like to humbly request co-maint for App::PAUSE::cleanup. I've tried
to poke the author, ROKR on both his github profile and the associated
gmail email 2 months ago, and didn't hear back from him. His latest CPAN
module update is from 2010 and there is no github activity since January
On 2020-07-24 5:56 p.m., Chris Prather wrote:
I'm entirely ok with Yanick taking it if he's happy with that or with
Dominique taking it if they prefer. Otherwise I'm happy to shepherd it
as well. Basically whatever everyone else wants to do as long as they
don't fall into ADOPTME I'm good wit
On 2020-07-25 2:28 a.m., Neil Bowers wrote:
Smashing! I have transferred PERIGRIN’s first-come on the lead package,
so YANICK now holds all the aces, and the dist falls off my hit list.
Excellent. It was a long journey, but finally I can sit on the tag
soup throne.
It's... more noodley t
On 2020-07-27 7:11 p.m., Matt Sergeant wrote:
Yeah totally fine by me.
Oh my. Hi there, strange, it's been ages since we e-crossed paths! .o/
On 11-11-17 03:08 PM, yan...@babyl.dyndns.org wrote:
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Covenant coming to CPAN real soon (or even
sooner if somebody beats me to it:-) ).
Tadah! https://github.com/yanick/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Covenant
Caveat maximus emptor: this should only be considered a p
Dear modules@perl.org elders,
This is an humble request to get the maintainer bit on
Business::CanadaPost and GnuPG.
The first is owned by Justin Wheeler, and I would like to apply a patch
to the module to make it talk to the right server (the server changed
since the last release in 2005,
On 02/10/12 02:37, Tom Schindl wrote:
The Apache2-Tomkit module is not showing up in my (TOMSON) list of
modules whereas all other do. So - I'm unable to add you as an maintainer.
I think it's because you only released beta versions so far, so
PAUSE didn't yet labelled you as "first-come"
On 12-09-07 01:00 PM, brian d foy wrote:
API doesn't add anything we don't already know.
It doesn't add any additional information, but it does provide a little
perk: it doesn't hog all of the 'WWW::Rally' namespace in case other
modules dealing with Rally emerge.