I would like an author id, as I have a module to upload.
Name: Luke Palmer
Homepage: http://fibonaci.babylonia.flations.org
I'm going to contribute Parse::Earley, a neato implementation of Earley's
algorithm... Parse::RecDescent style (but n
I'd like assistance in naming a module that I'm working on. It's a
basic predicate logic solver (like prolog, but easier to access through
perl and not as full-featured). I call it Logic now, but I'd like to know
where to put it in the tree. I would use Language::Prolog, except it is
I resent this, because it's been a really long time and people after me in
the queue (I assume you do a queue-like system) have been added. Maybe it
was missed?
Here's the original:
> I would like an author id, as I have a module to upload.
> Name: Luke Palmer
> E
I don't really care. I wouldn't want to break anybody's code, but I doubt
this package has many users. I haven't done any perl for many years, can't
say I even know what you're talking about. I defer to your judgment.
On Wed, Jun 22, 2016, 2:44 PM Neil Bowers wrote:
> Hi Luke,
> > I’m em
I have a module that performs parallel substitutions on a string, as
$str = subst $str,
qr/foo/ => 'bar',
qr/bar/ => 'baz',
qr/baz/ => 'foo';
Just as if it were typed:
$str =~ s/(foo|bar|baz)/$1 eq 'foo' ? 'bar' :
$1 eq 'bar' ? '
I have a module that does multiple regex substitutions in parallel
safely, like this:
$str = subst($str,
qr/([0-9]*[1-9])/ => '${1}0',
qr/([0-9]+)0/ => '$1',
(Adding zeroes to numbers that don't have them, and taking them off
numbers that do