Re: rights to URI::tcp

2017-06-26 Thread Fred Moyer
Working on it here, please be patient On Mon, Jun 26, 2017, 12:49 AM Jan Seidl wrote: > Hello, > something new with my PR and/or rights for me? > > thank you > > best regards > JaSei > > 2017-06-20 10:00 GMT+02:00 Jan Seidl : > >> after merge PR and release SOAP::Lite will be possible give m

Re: Giving co-maint or first-come on Business::PayPal

2020-04-28 Thread Fred Moyer
Yes, he can go ahead and take this module over. Let me know if any action is needed. On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 10:03 AM Neil Bowers wrote: > > Hi Fred, > > I’m emailing you wearing my PAUSE admin hat. > > Gabor Szabo would like to giving PAUSE indexing permissions on > Business::PayPal to Josh Rab

Re: malware in cpan?

2020-06-24 Thread Fred Moyer
Huh thanks for the heads up! On Wed, Jun 24, 2020, 2:57 AM Neil Bowers wrote: > Hi Shawn, > > Thanks for raising this. > > While making a local clone of the cpan repo recently using minicpan I > received the following output: > > […] > >

Re: CPAN — resolve the fractured ownership of Archive-Zip

2020-07-25 Thread Fred Moyer
I'm happy to hand this off completely to someone. I have a two and a five year old right now and barely get any time for these things. Also happy to keep pushing out releases from prs that others submit. On Fri, Jul 24, 2020, 11:25 PM Neil Bowers wrote: > Dear CPAN authors SMPETERS, ADAMK, NEDK

Maintainership of perlipq [was Fwd: Delivery Status Notification (Delay)]

2011-05-18 Thread Fred Moyer
Received: by with SMTP id j24mr261877yhk.20.1305615781397; Tue,  17 May 2011 00:03:01 -0700 (PDT) Received: by with HTTP; Tue, 17 May 2011 00:03:01 -0700 (PDT) Date: Tue, 17 May 2011 00:03:01 -0700 Message-ID: Subject: perlipq From: Fred Moyer To: jmor

Request for co-maintainership on String::Strip

2012-02-13 Thread Fred Moyer
Public/Bug/Display.html?id=70028 Thank you for your time. - Fred Moyer

Adding a maintainer for mod_perl and associated modules.

2012-07-30 Thread Fred Moyer
Hello, I'm emailing to find out how to add user SHAY to the maintainership list for mod_perl and some associated modules. The email address I have on file for Andreas Koenig (whom I've contacted previously about these issues) is returning emails to me. Thank you

Re: Adding a maintainer for mod_perl and associated modules.

2012-08-01 Thread Fred Moyer
Cc," and "Newsgroups" headers for details. ]] > > In article > , > Fred Moyer wrote: > > >> I'm emailing to find out how to add user SHAY to the maintainership >> list for mod_perl and some associated modules. The email address I >> have on fil