Yes, thanks.
On Fri, Jul 31, 2020, 6:15 PM Neil Bowers wrote:
> Hi Hans,
> I’m one of the PAUSE admins, and I’m sorting out situations where CPAN
> distributions have split ownership, as it can result in parts of releases
> not getting indexed, and then when transferring permissions, modules g
Yes please.
On Sat, Aug 1, 2020, 2:46 PM Neil Bowers wrote:
> Hi Dieter,
> Are you also happy for me to give Rik all first-come permissions on
> Getopt-Long-Descriptive?
> This is another dist where you two have split ownership, but Rik has done
> all releases for the last 10 years.
> Chee
I am Hans Dieter Pearcey.
I can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
My home page is
I'd like my PAUSE id to be HDP.
I'm planning to contribute a few related modules; one sort of like
IO::Scalar in reverse (Tie::Scalar::File -- "This looks like a sca