A Tale of Two Taints

2003-01-07 Thread Dave Rolsky
You guys both have modules on CPAN called Taint. If I try to install Dan's (0.07, just uploaded) I get Tom's (0.09, from Oct 1997). Tom, if yours is no longer usable (and it fails tests with 5.6.1 & 5.8.0), may I humbly suggest removing it and giving the namespace registration to Dan? Otherwise,

Please delete DateTime-Locale 0.90 ASAP

2015-09-28 Thread Dave Rolsky
I meant to make this a trial release. As is, it will break DateTime's tests, which is bad. I've scheduled it for deletion from PAUSE but deleting it right now would be much better. Thanks, -dave /* http://VegGuide.org

Don't worry about DateTime::Locale

2015-09-28 Thread Dave Rolsky
I realized the best thing to do was just to release a newer version with the breaking changes reverted, so I did that. No need to delete anything. -dave /* http://VegGuide.org http://blog.urth.org Your guide to all that'

Oops ...

2016-06-03 Thread Dave Rolsky
I gave up primary on Pg::DatabaseManager when I meant to transfer it to ADOPTME. Cheers, -dave /* http://VegGuide.org http://blog.urth.org Your guide to all that's veg House Absolute(ly Pointless) =

Re: Oops ...

2016-06-07 Thread Dave Rolsky
On Tue, 7 Jun 2016, Neil Bowers wrote: Hi Dave, I gave up primary on Pg::DatabaseManager when I meant to transfer it to ADOPTME. I did the following: 1. dropped your co-maint permissions on Pg::DatabaseManager and Pg::DatabaseManager::TestMigrations 2. forced re-indexing on Pg-DatabaseMana

Take over request - MooseX::Types::PortNumber

2016-08-15 Thread Dave Rolsky
I reported a serious (but trivial to fix) packaging bug 2 years ago with no response. See https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=97634 The author's last CPAN upload was in 2013. I haven't written email to him directly, but I could, or I could just fix this distro. Cheers, -dave /*

Re: Take over request - MooseX::Types::PortNumber

2016-08-15 Thread Dave Rolsky
On Mon, 15 Aug 2016, David Golden wrote: Please email a takeover request directly to the author. That might get noticed in a way a bug report might not. Done. That said, I do think we give original authors a little too much control here. In the case where the author has stopped releasing thi

re: MX::Types::PortNumber takeover

2016-08-15 Thread Dave Rolsky
I tried to email Thiago's address per CPAN (thi...@aware.com.br) and got this bounce. Cheers, -dave /* http://VegGuide.org http://blog.urth.org Your guide to all that's veg House Absolute(ly Pointless)

Re: Cleaning up author directories

2016-08-27 Thread Dave Rolsky
On Sat, 16 Jul 2016, Neil Bowers wrote: You may have seen my blog post asking people to delete old releases from their author directory: http://blogs.perl.org/users/neilb/2016/07/please-delete-old-releases-from-your-cpan-directory.html Deleting old releases of Code-TidyAll would free

Re: [lsst-sqre/jenkins-dm-jobs] add "clean" build jobs (#189)

2019-08-16 Thread Dave Rolsky
t and share the credentials, but it's a pretty gross solution. FWIW I've found that using Dist::Zilla has made releases easy enough to not want even think about automating it further. Cheers, Dave Rolsky http://blog.urth.org https://github.com/autarch On Fri, Aug 16, 2019 at 6:22 PM Jos

Re: (fwd) Re: Class::Factory::Util

2003-02-12 Thread Dave Rolsky
On Wed, 12 Feb 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Please register the module Class::Factory::Util > > If possible, please transfer ownership to DROLSKY as I, TBONE, will not > be maintaining it any longer. Actually, this can be done via PAUSE, with the "Change Permissions" option. -dave /*===

Re: CPAN - rationalising permissions on MooseX-ClassAttribute

2020-08-03 Thread Dave Rolsky
I created this long ago but I guess Karen must've done a release that added a new package. I think it'd make the most sense to give me primary on everything. That said, I'm not using this any more so I'd be happy to give Karen primary if she wants it ;) Cheers, Dave Rolsky

Re: CPAN - rationalising permissions on MooseX-ClassAttribute

2020-08-11 Thread Dave Rolsky
Done Cheers, Dave Rolsky http://blog.urth.org https://github.com/autarch On Tue, Aug 4, 2020 at 2:28 PM Neil Bowers wrote: > Hi Karen, > > I’ve just given you co-maint on the packages in MooseX-ClassAttribute. > DROLSKY had first-come on all the packages in the most recent releas

Re: Hello! I' am interested in adopting the Database::Migrator module. If you can grant me the privilege I will release the next version.

2021-08-06 Thread Dave Rolsky
it's worth, I'm using Sqitch <https://sqitch.org/> these days myself. Cheers, Dave Rolsky http://blog.urth.org https://github.com/autarch On Fri, Aug 6, 2021 at 2:37 AM alex.panteleev wrote: > Are there any ideas what should be included in the new version? > > Sent

Re: 2nd request: Params::Validate

2001-05-20 Thread Dave Rolsky
On 21 May 2001, Andreas J. Koenig wrote: > But Getargs has one advantage over Params: it pre-existed. Params made > up a new rootleval namespace and I wonder what it might be good for > that cannot be served by Getargs. To which I can only reply "huh?" Getargs:: did not pre-exist. The only mod

Re: 2nd request: Params::Validate

2001-05-22 Thread Dave Rolsky
On 22 May 2001, Andreas J. Koenig wrote: > but are you sure your registration was? > > Your mail was sent Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 21:06:13 -0600 (CST) > and Raphael's was sent Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 21:52:26 +0200 > > Getargs::Long is listed in the Module list since $Revision: 3.64 > $$Date: 2000/

Re: Notification from PAUSE

2001-06-06 Thread Dave Rolsky
Sorry, Andreas. I goofed up. This does not belong to me. -dave On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, Perl Authors Upload Server wrote: > > DROLSKY (Dave Rolsky) visited the PAUSE > and requested an upload into his/her directory. > The request used the following parameters >

Re: Namespace for an application?

2001-06-28 Thread Dave Rolsky
On Thu, 28 Jun 2001, Elaine -HFB- Ashton wrote: > Does the application have a name? We're just calling it the Mason Tracker. > You could call it HTML::Mason::Tracker or something along those lines if > it's part of Mason. Or you could do it like the Mon dist and use the name > of the applicatio

Namespace for an application?

2001-06-28 Thread Dave Rolsky
We are currently working on a web based task/bug tracking system that we'd like to publicly release sometime in the near future. The system is mostly Mason components plus some modules. The question is what namespace the modules should occupy. Is there any consensus in the Perl community on a n


2000-10-09 Thread Dave Rolsky
I finally got around to uploading my Alzabo program/modules to CPAN (alzabo.sourceforge.net). It occupies the Alzabo & Alzabo::* & Alzabo::*::* namespaces. I figure I have a good claim to it (and nobody else wants it). I don't know if this is the kind of thing that would get listed on the modul

Re: Alzabo

2000-10-10 Thread Dave Rolsky
On Tue, 10 Oct 2000, Kurt D. Starsinic wrote: > `Alzabo' doesn't explain what the software is for. Wouldn't you > rather put it under, e.g., DbFramework::, or one of the other top-level > namespaces for databasey stuff? Well, its as much an app as a module. What does Perl do? How about Er

Re: Alzabo

2000-10-10 Thread Dave Rolsky
On Tue, 10 Oct 2000, Kurt D. Starsinic wrote: > Yes, I was suggesting that you change the namespace to > DbFramework::Alzabo or somesuch. How about an alias file. I know we have one for HTML::Mason so that it also shows up as Apache::Mason. > The purpose of the modules list is to adver

Proposed module: Params::Validate

2001-02-11 Thread Dave Rolsky
The above is a very tentative name. Anyway, I'm about to start work on a generic argument validation module. The module will allow you to validate arguments passed to you methods/functions to any arbitrary level of pickiness that you desire. It seems like this would be generically useful, partic


2001-02-14 Thread Dave Rolsky
=> ARRAYREF, optional => 1 } ); By default, parameters are assumed to be mandatory unless specified as optional. =head1 LIMITATIONS Right now there is no way (short of a callback) to specify that something must be of one of a list of classes, or that it must possess one of a list of methods. If this is desired, it can be added in the future. =head1 SEE ALSO Carp::Assert and Class::Contract. =head1 AUTHOR Dave Rolsky, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> =cut

2nd request: Params::Validate

2001-03-18 Thread Dave Rolsky
This got absolutely no comment last time so I'm going to try again. The 04pause.html documents says "Generally a lack of response can be taken as acceptance of the module name being proposed" but perhaps that's not the case here because this module still isn't in the index. Name: Params::Vali

Re: 2nd request: Params::Validate

2001-03-19 Thread Dave Rolsky
On Mon, 19 Mar 2001, Johan Vromans wrote: > Sorry for the delay... > > [Quoting Dave Rolsky, on March 18 2001, 10:51, in "2nd request: Params:"] > > Name: Params::Validate > > DSLI: bdpf > > Author: DROLSKY > > Description: Validate sub

Re: 2nd request: Params::Validate

2001-03-19 Thread Dave Rolsky
On Mon, 19 Mar 2001, Johan Vromans wrote: > That's okay. TIMTOWTDI. > > Would you settle for Getargs::Validate? I find Getargs confusingly similar to Getopts, considering that we often refer to 'command line arguments'. Also, it doesn't actually return the parameters the way Raphael's module do

Module takeover request - File::LibMagic

2013-06-21 Thread Dave Rolsky
I wrote to the two folks listed as authors, Michael Hendricks and Andreas Fitzner, in early April. Michael replied back immediately saying he wasn't working on it any more and he was happy to give me comaint, but he didn't have PAUSE perms on it. Andreas has never responded. The email associat

Takeover request for Astro::Sunrise and DateTime::Event::Sunrise

2013-07-02 Thread Dave Rolsky
Please see below. It seems that Jean has made a good effort to find the original author, and said author has been awol for a long time. It'd be great to give these modules to Jean (or just give him co-maint). Thanks, -dave -- Forwarded message -- Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 22:43:

Contact info for phishing attack blog post

2021-01-03 Thread Dave Rolsky via modules
USE, and alert [modules@perl.org](mailto:modules@perl.org). Does having them contact this address make sense? Cheers, Dave Rolsky http://blog.urth.org https://github.com/autarch