Thank you for notifying me. Just took option 1 and confirmed the result via
> On Jul 8, 2016, at 02:25, Neil Bowers wrote:
> Hi Kogai-san,
> I’m one of the PAUSE admins. The NOC have let us know that we’re getting low
> on diskspace on the CPAN master. This is cau
Sorry for not responding.
On 2002.01.11, at 08:37, Chris Nandor wrote:
>> Anyway, since then my policy to upload a module is as follow;
>> 0) Make sure it does not exist yet.
>> 1) Upload and see what happens.
> Well, I am a member of the [EMAIL PROTECTED] cabal; the general p
On 2002.01.15, at 02:05, Chris Devers wrote:
>>> Yes, I agree it is confusing. I am not crazy about MacOSX,
>>> but can think of nothing better, so I am not objecting.
>> I have a feeling that "MacOSX" is not future-proofed.
> That's true, but it might work in the same way that "Win32" does.