Hi Jacques,
> I saw Michael is looking for someone to take over CLASS and I was willing to,
> and tried to contact him, but to no avail.
> Would you be in contact with him ? I tried his cpan e-mail as well as
> [redacted]
> Here is a link to the page : https://metacpan.org/pod/CLASS
I’ve emailed
Thanks Neil.
Kind regards,
On 2021/12/14 20:47, Neil Bowers wrote:
Hi Jacques,
I saw Michael is looking for someone to take over CLASS and I was
willing to, and tried to contact him, but to no avail.
Would you be in contact with him ? I tried his cpan e-mail as well
Record update in the PAUSE users database:
userid: [GVL]
fullname: [Gelu Lupas] was [Gelu Lupaș]
asciiname: [] was [Gelu Lupas]
email: [CENSORED]
homepage: []
cpan_mail_alias: [secr]
Data were entered by GVL (Gelu Lupaș).
Please check if they are correct.
The Pau
Record update in the PAUSE users database:
userid: [GVL]
fullname: [Gelu Lupas]
asciiname: []
email: [CENSORED]
homepage: []
cpan_mail_alias: [none] was [secr]
Data were entered by GVL (Gelu Lupas).
Please check if they are correct.
The Pause
Hello Minoda-san,
I checked in my pause account's permissions, but could not see it. Maybe
it takes time for cpan to refresh ?
Kind regards,
On 2021/12/15 4:45, Kazunori Minoda wrote:
Hi Jacques-san,
I tried to transfer permission for Cookies to your account (JDEGUEST);
Could you p
Yes, I can see it when clicking on the link, but not from the
permissions tab in my pause account.
Anyway, thank you for granting me permissions.
Kind regards,
On 2021/12/15 6:54, Kazunori Minoda wrote:
Hi Jacques-san,
It appears the owner of Cookies has been changed to you.
module u
Somehow, I do not have a tab "View Permissions per module" and even when
I search for a distribution with an exact match, it still does not find it.
Maybe it is just a matter of a refresh. I will check it later again.
Kind regards,
On 2021/12/15 7:09, Kazunori Minoda wrote:
Hi Jacques-