Record update in the PAUSE users database:
userid: [ALEXPAN]
fullname: [Alexander Panteleev]
asciiname: []
email: [CENSORED]
homepage: []
cpan_mail_alias: [none] was [secr]
Data were entered by ALEXPAN (Alexander Panteleev).
Please check if they are co
Hi folks,
I get 500 error when uploading a new version of Smartcat:App to CPAN via
This is my console output:
[@Milla/UploadToCPAN] POSTing upload for Smartcat-App-0.0.12.tar.gz to
request failed with error code 500
Message: Can't connect
Hi, after discussion with Brian, in cc of this email, I would like to
request co-maint for the geo-ipfree distribution.
Brian, also performed a similar request over the weekend: please view
I'm waiting for the co-maint bit before
Record update in the PAUSE users database:
userid: [XANT]
fullname: [Andrea Guzzo]
asciiname: []
email: [CENSORED]
homepage: []
cpan_mail_alias: [none] was [secr]
Data were entered by XANT (Andrea Guzzo).
Please check if they are correct.
The P